1.0 Background
In light of implementing the initiative, there will be vital costs and expenditures to be incurred. This implies that a determination of these costs and expenditures is very important to ensure that the estimates are known on the upfront. An appropriate budgeting process must be done in such a manner that the allocation of funds is evidently clear. Quantitative values must appear besides the description of the funds for which it is allocated. In this light, this initiative seeking to address the issue of child abuse also adheres to these fundamental aspects of the budgeting.
2.0 Budget
Future and Other Funding
Despite the funds provided by the donors in form of grants, there are other sources of funds that will be factored. These include the following;
Social media fundraising program $ 7, 000
Online Website Fundraiser $ 6, 000
Funds raised Zero-Abuse Party $ 4, 000
Total $ 17, 000
Whereas the program runs on the grant provided by the donors, the donor-ship is not set in such a manner that it is recurrent. In other words, the donor funding will be provided as a lump sum amount which will not recur onwards. As such, it will require more funding amounting to $ 129, 000 in order sustain its operations and continue changing the lives of children in a positive way by reducing the cases of abuse directed towards them even after the grant is over. In this light, therefore, various sources will be contacted and developed to ensure continued cash flow for the funding of the mentioned operations. They are as follows;
Funds from Corporate Sponsors $ 62, 000
Organizational Discretionary funds $ 32, 000
Campaigns aimed to target donors of related interest $, 35, 000
Total $ 129, 000