Marine life is core of marine biology where a study on taxonomy, biology, behavior, morphology, and ecological relationships of life inhabiting our oceans, seas, and lakes is on research. It is also the study of science of organisms in marine or ocean waters. Taxonomy of marine life is in groups that follow a certain order in a hierarchical series namely: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Marine life is having six kingdoms as follows. First, bacteria-are organisms that have single-cells and reproduce by dividing in two. They are throughout the marine setting. Second, protozoans-are also single-celled organisms but are much bigger than bacteria. They are either heterotrophic or autotrophic an example is the amoebae. Third, chromists-they range from tiny organisms like diatoms (a phytoplankton type) to seaweeds. Fourth, fungi-are the ones that relies on breaking organic material down, as they are not able to manufacture their own food. Fifth, plants-are autotrophic and multi-cellular. Sixth, animals-are multi-cellular and typically large. They are heterotrophic in nature. They include jellyfish, fish, sea stars, and whales. Marine life is different when it comes to abundance, diversity, rarity, and absence. Marine animals are not abundant but are diverse. Marine fungi are over 1500 species and they are diverse. Marine plants and algae are very diverse and extended. Microscopic marine life is highly diverse but poorly understood. The most rare species are animals example the whales which are not many in number.
Marine animal species
The marine animal world is a fascinating group that is diverse and contains animals ranging from motionless invertebrates, to huge sharks and whales through the oceans. First are the cetaceans, which are mammals, adjusted to living in water. They include whales, porpoises, and dolphins. Second, pinnipeds-are mammals in the carnivora order and pinnipedia suborder. Pinnipeds have three families: otariidae (eared seals), phocidae (earless seals), and odobenidae, which is the walrus .Third, sirenians-comprises of manatees, extinct Steller’s cows and dugongs. They graze on aquatic plants and sea grasses hence the name sea cows. Fourth, reptiles-include sea turtles. Fifth, fish-There more than 14000 species of them from the small pygmy goby to the huge whale shark. They are vertebrates and include jawless fishes, bony fishes and cartilaginous fishes (rays, sharks and chimaeras).Fourth, invertebrates-include corals, molluscs and crustaceans.
Blue whale
It is the largest whale and it matures to about 94 ft. (29m) which is almost the same height as a 9-story structure. It has a flat head, long fiddling body and a blowhole to the upper of its uppermost lip. It is very loud. It eats up to 4 tons of krill daily. Have no predators except for man.