Everybody has a political idea or agenda. The digital age provides people with the opportunity to contribute their political ideas. It has taken ages for the idea of democracy to be embraced fully by the global fraternity. This explains why everybody should contribute and support this important idea.
Winston presents himself as an optimistic writer. This is evident in the way he appreciates the steps in achieving democracy. He appreciates all stages that democracy has undergone. He attributes the growth of democracy to improvements in technology. He greatly appreciates the role of technology in disseminating information and sharing of political ideas. He has identified three eras that democracy went through. Firstly, he identifies the era people shared ideas through pen and paper. The elite dominated the political scene during this era. The second stage entails the era when people shared ideas through publications. The main barriers in this era were the literacy levels of people and geographical coverage. However, these publications presented a swift transition to what exists today. Today, the digital era has brought political debates closer to the people. The writer presents this development as a good thing for democracy and people’s involvement in politics.
According to Winston, digital technology and democracy present the key to civilization. He states “in this new Age of Reason, digital communications will deliver content and meaning in a way that empowers individuals at the expense of the elite” (Winston). The digital era makes the process of communication easier. People communicate their ideas in an easier way. In the same spirit, democracy helps people to achieve the ideas that they share. Therefore, a combination of digital technology and democracy provides the opportunity for civilization to take place. The writer believes that individualism and freedom define democracy. Democracy provides the opportunity for the government to have a balance with its people. Previously people fought ideological war using different philosophical guidelines. However, today people fight the war of ideas on using social guidelines. Using social guidelines people have similar viewpoints. Through these social guidelines, people can avoid the liberal and conservative viewpoints, which hinder civilization. Social guidelines present an opportunity to address more issues rather than ideological guidelines. Social guidelines emerge from social values, which people share. Social values pull people closer to each other since people share cultures. Therefore, social guidelines present a better opportunity for decision-making.
Magazines have evolved over the past fifteen years. Magazines have changed from providing information in the form of guidelines on how to perform various functions. Today magazines contain different information rather than just products and how to use them. Through digital technology, people have the opportunity to initiate political debates. Digital technology plays an important role in the quick spreading of information. The masses have also increased due to digital technology; more people can access and contribute to these political debates. Many people can contribute to the political debates and revive democracy. Political debates will lead to a new era of reason.
According to Winston, the political debate in the digital era will continue to change due to the four C`s of the digital age. The digital era combines the four C`s to form a strong political voice. These four C`s include community, content, communications and collaboration. The digital era brings a larger community together. The larger community presents a pool of political opinions and ideas. The digital era also provides a channel for communications. Communications through the digital era take place faster. Winston argues that, “today, we have the most fantastic means of communications in the history” (Winston). Therefore, people may share political ideas through this avenue. The digital era also provides a forum for people to collaborate. People can initiate campaigns and seek support easily in the digital era. Finally, the digital era provides ease of access to content. People can access political content from other people. People will use this content for civilization in the digital era. This four C’s present the best combination to achieve civilization in the digital era. Winston states, “digital technology is the best way to communicate ideas, and democracy is the best means of realizing those ideas” (Winston). However, in the communication arena a war between the analogue thinkers and digital thinkers has taken center stage. The writer remains optimistic that digital thinkers will win the war and social transformation will take place.
The traditional channels of sharing information have contributed to the decline in democracy. The voter turnout has reduced significantly over the years due to the image presented by the traditional media. The traditional media have made the political debate irrelevant. Various media channels have allocated prime time to discuss irrelevant issues in the political arena. They fail to address the main issues in the political scene. This has caused many people to seek alternative sources of political information. These sources include digital sources where they can access unfiltered information. Winston affirms, “Digital communications is going to change the political landscape in an extremely profound way” (Winston). The writer presents the view that the political elite has collaborated with the media to make the political debate irrelevant. In the digital era, people have realized this move by the political elite. Therefore, people seek other unbiased channels of political information. This shows the development of a generation that understands the need of having knowledge of important political information. This urge motivates people making them engage in political debate. The political debate creates an opportunity for civilization. A new age of reason has begun as people seek for the hidden truth.
Jonathan engages the reader through the essay by identifying the importance of freedom. Democracy leads to individual’s freedom and in the digital era individuals have the freedom to do a number of things. Access to information is the most important freedom that people enjoy during the digital age. Access to information allows individuals to understand different political ideas. The freedom to information allows people to reason out and share their ideas in the new age. The digital age creates a new age of reason where people reason and share ideas freely.
The story has a message to all readers that they should use the technological advancements to enhance democracy. The developments in technology, especially information technology provide a chance for people to reason together thus exercise their rights. Technology provides a chance for people to access political information, which media houses hide. The digital age provides multiple opportunities for people to change the political system.
Work Cited
Winston, David. Digital Democracy and the New Age of Reason. Mit Communications Forum. Web. http://web.mit.edu/comm-forum/papers/winston.html