Brief Summary/ Introduction
This story was taken from the book Mysteries of Reincarnation: Defining Your Purpose by Cecelia Kendall. It is an autobiography of a woman, Mrs. T.M, and how her cultural beliefs impacted personality development growing up in a Caribbean country. She eventually migrated to a developed country and received advanced education such as Master Degree and a Doctorate in Advance Nursing. Subsequently, she participated in formulating health education curricula across the old and rose to prominence.
What is the main character like?
The main character in my story is a 45 year old woman. She was raised in an Afro-Caribbean culture. Mrs. T.M’s country was under British rule for over a century before her birth and about 10 years after when the county gained independence. As such, her education was more British oriented. However, apart from the British influence there was a distinct African orientation in her behavior and personality that could not be described fully African neither British since she came through a slavery ancestry too.
Describe three distinct patterns of behavior or personality traits typical of this character
Three distinct patterns of behavior or personality traits typical of this character are her language/accent; dress/clothes and education. The language she spoke was English, which was acknowledged as the first language. Further, she explained that since the colony changed rule during colonialism among French, British and Dutch slaves who had no control of their lives adapted pieces of each language. Consequently, creolese was spoken as the native language even though not considered a dominant language culture. These elements of French, Dutch and British language roots have been fused with various dialects into a common language to facilitate communication within their context. Educators she explained do not sanction these language fragments as the first language because they have not been published neither accepted, by linguistics. Nonetheless, within the country this language is a still a secret code of communication (Kendall, 2012).
There is no distinct identification of one dress cultural pattern, derivatives of French, British and Dutch were highlighted as a single dress code for people born and raised in this territory. In the book the character Mrs. T.M demonstrated exceptional intelligence, which is indicative of the educational culture. She did not use a calculator to add up, her monthly bills. In fact she did not know how to use one. Interestingly she could have recited without reading large portions of Shakespeare’s work through memory. Even though she could have read music Mrs. T.M played many pieces using perfect pitch and memory (Kendall, 2012).
What salient elements of the individual’s ecological system are described in the story?
Salient elements of this individual’s ecological system that were described in this story pertain to ‘goodness of fit.’ According to the story even though Mrs. T.M was born in a Caribbean country she had the privilege of visiting many countries outside of that territory as a child and adult. As such, this individual’s ecological system could be described as effectively functioning within a macrosystem demonstrating attitudes and ideologies of her culture, yet manifesting ‘a goodness fit’ according to Gardiner and Kosmitzki (2010). This ‘goodness fit’ led to embracing socializations pertaining to British, French and Dutch with maturity (Gardiner & Kosmitzki, 2010).
What are some of the major cultural values presented in this story?
Some of the major cultural values presented in this story are similar to Gardiner and Kosmitski’s (2010) concepts such as ‘mother of’ and ‘father of’ ascribed to a man or woman after a child is born to either of them in their family. The same cultural pattern is adapted when a grandchild is born. It means that family growth is a welcomed pattern, especially, with the addition of children. Children are considered an inheritance in itself. Along with this emerges family ties/ solidarity and kinship lineage. These are very sacred values highlighted in this story (Gardiner & Kosmitzki, 2010).
What are some of the characteristics of relationships with family and friends?
Characteristics of relationships with family and friends encompass love and respect for parents and elderly relatives. Younger members such as children and grandchildren are expected to address older ones as uncle, aunt, cousin, brother and sister respectively. Age has always been a mark of respect. Younger people are expected to be responsible for elderly in the family and community. It is a shame in Mrs. T.M’s family culture for a child to put his/her parents in a nursing home or assisted living facility. This was represented in the story as Mrs. T.M related her Family history. Within the scope and function of family it is honorable and a blessing to take care of elderly relatives physically and financially until the time of their passing. Friends are expected to be loyal to the family and are categorized as family friends, close friends or acquaintances depending on the relationships. Often friends are familiar with family members to whom they may become close. In situations of any suspected disloyalty the entire family could relinquish friendship with those individuals (Kendall, 2012).
Is there any information on the rules or policies that shape the community?
Information regarding rules or policies that shape Mrs. T.M’s community pertains to the multicultural nature. There are holidays designated. During the calendar year the government allows cross cultural celebration of diverse values. Politicians and stakeholders alike uphold this diversity. They perceive this as being peculiar to the nation’s heritage, which must be maintained from the community level (Kendall, 2012).
Finally, analyze the main character’s personality and discuss which aspects of the individual’s personality appears to be a direct result of living in a specific ecological system
The foregoing discussion answered questions pertaining to culture. Comparisons were made utilizing chapter 6 of the text Live across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Cultural Development by Gardiner and Kosmitzki. Gardiner and Kosmitzki (2010) contend that culture is a person’s way of life inherited from generations of practice. It encompasses artifacts, language, speech quality, dance, music among many adaptions of living emerging. Also, culture embodies one’s religion and education too. Often culture has been considered as part of socialization and is leant through societal impositions or parental upbringing.
Gardiner, H., & Kosmitzki, C. ( 2010). Live Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human
Development. Pearson.
Kendall, C (2012). Mysteries of Reincarnation. United States. Create Space