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Process of education usually includes a lot of different types of work done by students. But also there is no possibility to avoid the process of assessment of it. Usually in education or even in real life people, when they make an assessment, try to use one of the styles of assessment. And these types of assessment can help to create relationship or do the opposite thing – ruin it.
Keywords: assessment, styles, learning, roll play.
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In the modern system of education there are many different ways to use listening skills for the assessment of certain presentations and works of different people. The process of assessment is not simple, and it includes attending and being able to listen to the content of the speech, to the feelings and the main idea and meaning of it. But still, it is really important to develop relationship
Diagnostic – it can also be called “first impression” because it is usually made at the beginning of doing something, for example, at the beginning of semester or studies in general. It also can show, what knowledge and experience a student already have in this field.
Formative. This type usually is able to show the progress of development of a student during some period of time. It may have some check-points that help to see the general picture of success of a person.
Summative assessment is an assessment of the result of work of a person. It doesn’t take into account the process of work of this person, and only general results can affect on it.
One of the ways to develop relationship in assessment process is to propose a person to think about exact examples. For example, if a person made a research on some topic, it means that there is an opportunity to ask him about this own thoughts about implementation of the results of the research in real life.
This exercise will allow thinking about his own work on more personal level, and he will be able to include emotions and show his own thoughts. It can be used by the same students, professor or teacher, in other words – any role on the role play of students can try to use this skill.
Listenning skills are also extremely important. If a person tries to develop such skills – it means that he can practice it not only during his studies while listening other students, but also in everyday life. When you meet different interesting people and give them an opportunity to speak (showing your listening skils) – you develop yourself through getting new information from the people around you due to this style. Cognitive styles shape learning styles (Liu 66).
It was quite unusual to feel as the client - the person who is always right. You feel your own power over the employee of any of the institutions, and it makes them be more calm, listen and give polite response to your questions/claims.
The role of the assessor gives you the opportunity to see everything that happens aroun you more clear. At first glance, this role may seem more boring than others, but in fact it is the only role that gives the opportunity to see the full picture and to have a more independent and unbiased opinion.
Such exercises with trying different roles help to create more relationship. This means that everyone has the opportunity to rate each other, assess the work of each other and give feedback. It creates more emotion and causes support of relation during the process of assessment.
Liu, Xiufeng. (2010). Essentials of Science Classroom Assessment. New York: SAGE Publications. Print