The staff that the customer’s encounter at a service outlet or service trial is the customer’s first encounter with the organization. A well-trained and well managed staff increases the repute of the company. The performance of the staff is what matters the most at customer encounter. There are several factors affecting the staff’s performance in the services industry.
Kapiki (n.d) believes that the most important factor affecting the staff performance in the hospitality industry is the level of training that the staff member has received before receiving a customer or greeting him. It is found that the level of training is directly proportional to the performance of staff. In other words, the more trained the staff is the better it will perform in customer encounter situations.
Kirkbir and Cengiz (2007) have raised important issues that affect the staff’s performance. They believe that it is the attitude of the manager and working environment that has the most effect on the employee’s performance. If an employee believes that the manager is not treating him well or the working environment is too bad, then the employee won’t give his hundred percent effort and as a result the performance level will be well below par.
In a study conducted by (Nguyen, Mai, Nguyen, 2014), it was found that the level of the involvement that employees get in the decision making process is the most important factor that determines the employee’s performance in the service industry. The level of team-work and delegation of authority have found to be the other important factors after financial rewards and recognition that help the workers do more for the organization and increases the level of commitment for the organization.
HOSPITALITY. THE PARADIGM OF GREEK HOTELCOMPANIES. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts, 4(2), pp.7-15.
Kirkbir, F. and Cengiz, E. (2007). Do frontline staff’s psychographic attributes and perception of
organizational factors affect service recovery performance?. Innovative Marketing, 3(4), pp.12-15.
Nguyen, T., Mai, K. and Nguyen, P. (2014). Factors Affecting Employees’ Organizational
Commitment–A Study of Banking Staff in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Journal of
Advanced Management Science, 2(1), pp.7-19.