Feminist Research
In the first article titled Who I Am Or What, I Do? By Kate Seymour, the author explores the intricate questions: is feminism something one does, is it a professional or is it in the context of feminist practice (Kate, 2016). The author notes that the big question in this article is to assess why a person is identified as a feminist; or whether it is by getting involved in feminist activities.
In the second article by Kristin Blakely, Reflections of the Role of Emotion in Feminist Research, the researcher investigates about feminism and derives the sensitive issues that accompany the feminist context. The author notes that there exist a vast gap in the academic work and the few researchers who have researched on the topic have had to deal with emotional distress since it is a sensitive subject (Kristin, 2016).
In the third article titled Psychology of Women Quarterly. The article focuses on the advanced psychology research methods that integrate theories and pedagogy that affects women psychology. The author asserts that students are required to examine the appropriate scientific literature critically in a particular theme for developing a hypothesis. The hypothesis is then be tested by collecting data, and then analyzing it through the SPSS software in all advanced research work.
Feminist's Research
Feminist research is the research done by, for, and about women. In essence, feminist women, with a set goal, do the research by use of specified questions, to achieve their objectives. The specific purpose of these studies is to know a ‘why' and identifying methods of distinctively drawing the experience of women in the world that is wholly dominated by men. Women are seen as inferior to men, and thus, these studies try to identify with their situation.
Impact of Using Feminist Research
It is salient to note that feminism is associated with women empowerment.. Feminist research is viewed as inspiring and revolutionary. In addition, feminist's analysis also allows numerous useful discussions questions and case study examples.
K. (n.d.). .Reflections on the Role of Emotion in Feminist Researchpd. Retrieved March 03, 2016, from http://vk.com/doc26989898_437316665
A FEMINIST APPROACH TO ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODS. (n.d.). Retrieved March 03, 2016, from http://vk.com/doc26989898_437316664
K. (n.d.). Feminist Practice: Who I am or What I do?.pdf. Retrieved March 03, 2016, from http://vk.com/doc26989898_437316662