Significant persons in humanities are those individuals that have been given the designation “the father, or mother” of a certain field of life due to the fact that they did contribute in a major way towards the development of that particular field. Many are such persons all over the world and from all ages. Through them, knowledge about the field is disseminated to many especially when it comes to values of diverse cultures as well as concerning what goes into the making of a work of art for example, and about how history was shaped. It is imperative to note as well that through their efforts, grate happenings are attained resulting to a better understanding of the world that people are living in presently and the thoughts of the future is thus possible. This paper will be endeavoring at elucidating on Prophet Mohammed as one of the prominent figure to have lived between 3500 BCE to 1650 CE.
Born at around 570 BCE and lived to around 632 CE to a respected Quraysh family of Mecca, he as a child grew up with a decent and honest life resulting to the name al-Amin in Arabic translated as the faithful one in English. He got his first disclosure when he was forty years old while he was at a cave that came to be known as Mount Hira marking the start of the Muslim faith (Mogler, 45-47). Due to the fact that Mohammad was believed to be the last and final messenger and prophet sent by God (Allah), many Muslims endeavored to follow the ways and examples of Prophet Mohammad for that is the only way they believed they could see the kingdom of Allah. Therefore, it is through Mohammad’s ways of life that the Islam religion is shaped and founded. For instance, it can be revealed that it is Mohammad who drafted the structure and constitution that indicated the rights and relationships of Muslims (Lüling, 152-154). In it, their ways in which people were supposed to live in harmony among each other in this world and hence resulting to the formation of the first Islamic state. This is clearly the way in which Prophet Mohammad enhanced the Islamic religion.
Equivalently, it is Mohammad who fostered harmony between the Mecca parties that were having hostilities and this he did by taking control of Mecca. After that, all the populaces of Mecca were treated equally destroying all idols that were in the city and further creating and consolidating the Islamic community the reason why all his teachings were accepted by all even after his death (Laliwala, 166-168). To date, that cannot be disputed as something that did not contribute positively to the Islamic religion the way it is presently.
Finally, Mohammad did enrich and deepen the Muslim’s believe in the Quran (that made a central part in their lives) for they believed that the writings inside were Gods words that were meant to guide them in their worldly lives for them to see the next life. Moreover, the fact that the Quran teaches that the words written by Mohammad were only from God ensured that it was the only source of knowledge (Mogler, 45-47). It was for this reason that even the Quran goes ahead to name him as al-uswa al-hasana that implies the beautiful model that all the Muslims ought to follow and learn from.
Work Cited
Laliwala, Jaferhusein I. Islamic Philosophy of Religion: Synthesis of Science Religion and Philosophy. New Delhi: Sarup & Sons, 2005. Print.
Lüling, Günter. A Challenge to Islam for Reformation: The Rediscovery and Reliable Reconstruction of a Comprehensive Pre-Islamic Christian Hymnal Hidden in the Koran Under Earliest Islamic Reinterpretations. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 2003. Print.
Mogler, Christian. The Rise of Islam: How Yould This Small Religious Movement Become Within Centuries the Dominant Religion of the Mediterranean, and Why Was Christianity Not Able to Stop Ist : [research Paper]. München: Grin, 2009. Print.