The system that will be developed will have various components. The system is an online ordering which is used by clients to purchase some items from the system. There are therefore components that are evident in the system. One of the components is that of the server and the client machine. The server will be tasked with processing requests from the client. The client will have to undergo some validation and processing stage so that they get and submit the right information to the system. The server will then validate the requests and make sure that the user gets what they require (Leffingwell and Widrig 53).
There is also the component of the web-based system that is being used in the company. This system works over the Internet. The system is sort of client-server architecture. This is where the user is on one side of the system while the server is on the other side of the system. The medium that is separating the two is the Internet. The user therefore has to have a connection to the server for any transaction to take place. Without this, there will be no transaction that will be allowed to take place. There are many parameters that should be considered before one engages in online commerce. The Internet is complex and also dynamic market platform that requires regular and daily training. Online marketing is far much different from the world of print, broadcast, and out-of-home advertising markets. The Internet is so vast and is evolving at very high-rates such that it is becoming hard to properly target the audiences which are intended. The online marketers are looking for efficient way of reaching their online audience while at the same time they are supposed to minimize expenditures. Websites are the primary tools that are used by companies to market their products and services online. There is therefore a dire need to make sure that the website that is being marketed meets the aim they were meant to achieve. In this description, the user is taken to be the client computer and it will therefore mean that the client computer will take the attributes of the user. The server will also exhibit these attributes as they will serve the requests from the client computer (Leffingwell and Widrig 71).
The system admin will also be required to check the site and see what is provided and what is lacking. The system admin will therefore ensure that the process is duly followed and also that the requirements of the client are found in the system. The admin has to seek for permission from the company to undertake these administrative functions. This is a security check that the system has so that non-authorized staff are not allowed to administer the system.
There is also the telemarketer who is tasked with getting the current stock and displaying the same information to the users. They are tasked with ensuring that the users get what they want and request (Leffingwell and Widrig 16).
The system that is being described is that of the external user. In summary, there are four components who are the people who will use the system. The four are the client, server, admin and telemarketer. This is the view of the person who is found outside the system. The sections that follow will therefore describe the use cases that will be seen in the system.
Use case
The name of the use case is to get product information. In this paper, there are terminologies that will be which include CC which means “client computer”, SC means “server computer”, TM means “Telemarketer”, and SA means “Systems Administrator”. The design of the scope is that of an Online ordering system for Yvette’s Bridal Formal where the primary actor is product requestor. In the system, the system that is being designed is Product ordering system. The sections that follow show the use cases that will be used in the paper.
The first use case is that the CC sends message to SC for file. The message is meant to ask the server for a specific file. After this, server sends the file. This is followed by the client sending a form which has name and email. The form is used to attain validation between the client and the server. The client then gets a thank you page. This system of acknowledgement. There is then a form which the CC signs which has Name, Address, and Telephone number. The CC then validates by giving Username and Password.
The CC will then requests for an appointment online by way of a telephone number. At this stage, Yvette’s Bridal Formal employee request to be SA by giving Username and Password. Ton getting the permission, the SA edits the database to reflect current stock. The client, through CC, sends order form with both their credentials and that of product giving the attributes of Product name, Product size, Product color, Client name, Client address, Client’s credit card information, Client’s contact information, and Server sends product information page.
There are some exceptions that might be experienced in the situations that have been described above. One the exceptions is in user details, where user details is not in the system. In this case, the user registration process will be disrupted. Another instance is when an employee is denied administration privileges. Also, the registration process will be affected. This is related to situations where the employee forgets the password to be used. Other extensions include instances where the database is corrupt and when the server does not get the user product.
Works Cited
Leffingwell, Dean and Don Widrig. Managing software requirements: A use case approach. London: Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003.