The Lion King is a fictional cartoon movie about the relationship between a Lion King named Mufassa and his lion son Simba. Simba is tricked into thinking he is responsible for his fathers death and disappears from his pride leaving his greedy and evil uncle Scar in charge. The kingdom in which Simba was to take over is turned into a barren waste land with Lions now second to hyenas under Scars rule and there is no hope in site. That is until Simba, thought to be dead, is reunited with his childhood friend Nala and she tells him of the horror that the kingdom has become. Simba has to make a decision to continue on with his new life he has created which is care free and easy or face his family and disciples who he believes despise him for hating his father. Eventually Simba makes the choice to face his past and go back to save his kingdom from the claws of his uncle Scar.
In the beginning of the Movie, King Mufassa is the strong, proud and responsible father that every man in real life hopes to become one day. Although he is the strongest and most powerful, he chooses to teach his son the value of using his head and his heart before using the natural strength he will soon develop as he grows older. King Mufassa is a important character in the movie for it lets everyone know the qualities of a good leader and and a good father.
Simba is the child we all once were, having trust in those who raise us and the hope to make everyone proud. Like him, we are all faced with challenges in life and is up to us to choose to make the right decision no matter what fears or pressure we feel in doing so. He proves that good can come out of every situation and that our responsibilities as individuals are important to everyone who counts on us.
The movie ends with Simba bringing the Kingdom back to what it was when he left it so long ago and regaining the strength needed to rule. He also has brought his own son into the world and it ends with his ritual presentation to his future people he means to rule one day. This part of the movie could easily be continued into another story of how values are passed from one generation to the next and would make for an exciting sequel. It’s a great film and I would recommend it highly to every child to learn the value of trust in ones self and the importance of family.