Thesis statement examination as employed by the author in the review
Organization of the work by the author and how it affects quality of presentation
The review also goes on to contrast the various view pointy shared by the authors distinguishing the specific aspects each author chose to emphasize on. Franken is represented as to handle ‘the cognitive process of addiction as an “abnormal subjective motivational state” resulting in addictive dependencies’ an independent concept from the other authors who also are presented to handle different aspects such as the release of dopamine as “behavioral paradigms” for neurological reward centers handled by Weinstein, the assertion by Haile et al that certain drugs have “addiction liability” which correlates with “heritability” while, finally, Kreek et al. emphasizes genetics as a conducing factor to the “vulnerability” of addictive dependencies. The unique aspects of the addiction phenomena and physiological impacts of food alcohol drugs and technology are better understood by the different aspects handled by the different authors. While they basically study the same topic, the author of the review is cautious as to present each author as unique and handling different aspect to the commonality of the one. This approach gives the paper more depth and insight into the topic rather than a blunt comparison of the authors. The following paragraphs are utilized in the in-depth delve into the topic using the same approach of segregating the aspects covered rather than the authors. This goes to show the different approaches that are employed in the review to give similar results and conclusions. This goes a long way in giving the results credibility and more weight due to availability of corroborating information regarding a topic.
The use of source material within the review
The use of source material is appropriate and reliable in the article. The author takes care to make sure the sources appear as reliable and relevant as possible. The main strategy he applies in the article is by the application of corroborative sources where the information provided by one source is reinforced by another source which gives a more detailed or even a corroborative version of information as presented by the preceding source. This is attested by instances such as ‘(Enoch, Gorodetsky, Hodgkinson, Roy, and Goldman) investigates the “encoding” of the “transporter” and “receptor” which relates to Kreek et al. statement on “vulnerability” of addictive dependencies’ where the review uses the work of one author to collaborate the work of the other. This strategy enables the sources to both appear as genuine and reliable as possible by eliminating the possibility of one source being in error since they both hold the same assertions.
The integration of the sources into the work is done extensively with the author of the review hardly going as far as introducing a new concept without stating its origin. The author explains each idea methodically either after first introducing it directly from the work by citing, or by citing the source after the review of the specific concept. This approach gives the reader confidence as per its accuracy and academic authority of the review. The approach is clearly exemplified in ‘the release of dopamine is a common cause in abnormal behavior’ the review makes an independent assertion before going on to validate it by using the authority of the authors, ‘each author epitomizes how dopamine is related to addiction’, for instance, ‘Franken investigates the brain dopaminergic systems describing it as “complex” but also notions this area of the brain as “an elemental role in addictive processes”
The review does a fabulous job at bringing to fore the facts and processes involved and as required in its heading. The use of integration of sources is excellent and the review effortlessly communicates its facts and points of discussion without leaving the reader with a doubt as to the authority of the knowledge it professes.
Works cited
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