Exercises reduce the risk of many health problems in middle aged adults. Many studies done indicate that a regular exercise routine through middle age delays biological aging and makes them healthy and stronger (Driskell, 2009). There are various health risks that can be prevented and managed through exercises for example, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, depression, falls, cancer risks especially colon cancer and many more. Exercise combats health conditions and diseases in middle aged adults.
Obesity has a high prevalence all over the world in both children and adults. In the world today, there are many cases of obesity and the patients should be advices to incorporate physical activities in their daily lives. For patients suffering from obesity and wish to loose their weight, I recommend exercises like brisk walking since it is the most effective and not tiresome way of loosing calories. Studies have shown that walking approximately three miles per hour effectively helps burn calories in the body. In addition to walking, I recommend jogging and a routine attendance of the gym. It has been estimated that there are 13.7 cancer survivors in the U.S. For the patients with the risk of colon cancer, I recommend walking and jogging so as to break the sweat and help move the food through the body more effectively thus reducing colon cancer.
Cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart diseases have been reported to be the leading causes of death in the U.S. In order to manage cardiovascular diseases, as a nurse I recommend the patient to join a regular gym and start with aerobics and avoid tiresome exercises. Aerobics help increase ones heartbeat and also helps burn more calories in the body. Furthermore, the [patient can also exercise while at home by jut walking up steps in the home compound as it also increases the heartbeat, controls muscles and lowers blood pressure raising the high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. In addition, they should also try different exercises they feel are comfortable for them. The approach I will use as a nurse to incorporate physical activities in my patients is introducing them to the fundamental of exercise, frequency, intensity and duration. Frequency is how often they need to exercise and I will recommend daily exercise. Intensity is how hard they need to exercise in order to achieve their goals. They should not tire so much or stop exercises because their bodies and muscles hurt. Lastly is the duration which I will recommend 10-15 minutes of jogging and ablest 30 minutes of daily exercise (Mcauley, Bane, and Mihalko, 1995). The last recommendation I will give to my patients is to have a regular sleep pattern which many people have ignored.
Driskell, A. J. (2009). Nutrition and Exercise Concerns of Middle Age. New York: CRC Press.
McCauley, E., Bane, S., M. and Mihalko, S., L. (1995). Exercise in Middle-Aged Adults: Self-Efficacy and Self-Presentational Outcomes. Preventive Medicine, 24(4), 319–328.