Since the 9/11 attacks, the issue of terrorism has become a reality in America. The people appreciate that there is the need to have measures in place so as to prevent the occurrence of the criminal activities. The people have a role in preventing these activities. The essay below looks at the prevention of terrorism and the destruction of property that comes along with it.
Preventing Terrorism
Americans do not have to look far to realize the damage that can be caused by terrorism activities. After the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent terrorist attacks, the nation has come face to face with some of the worst effects of terrorism. First of all, it is notable that terrorism leads to the loss of lives (Miller. 2003). Whenever there is such an attack, many innocent people loose their lives. This happened in the 9/11 attacks where a lot of people in the kidnapped planes as well as those in the Twin Towers were killed. A similar result occurs whenever there is a terrorist attack. Another main effect is that there is massive destruction of property. As Miller (2003) observes, the terrorists target buildings, factories and other infrastructures such as roads and railways. This costs the country a lot of money.
Homeland Security. (2011). Preventing Terrorism and Enhancing Security. Retrieved on 24th Aug. 2012 from
Miller, S.E. (2003). After the 9/11 Disaster: Washington’s Struggle to Improve Homeland Security. Axess, Issue 2, pp. 8-11. Retrieved on 24th Aug. 2012 from