Company policy on the use of email and text messaging:
Hello, I hope all of you are well. This email is aimed at reminding all employees the key components of our company’s policy on acceptable use of email and text messaging. Security and privacy is one of the most important aspects of any company. This is mainly because it ensures sensitive company information is protected from unauthorized individuals.
It is therefore the responsibility of all employees to ensure that they maintain the correct usage of emails and text messages. It is also the responsibility of the company to review all emails and text messages sent through the company devices in order to ensure that employees adhere to the correct use of email and text messaging policies.
Below is a guide that will ensure that employees adhere to company polices:
- Employees should ensure that only appropriate message content is sent through the company’s network. Inappropriate messages will be flagged and an employee will be penalized based on the content of the message.
- Employees should ensure that sensitive messages are sent to only the relevant recipient of the messages. It is important to ensure that sensitive messages are ‘for-eyes-only’ by adding the right recipient. This will help protect sensitive company information.
- Employees should not send harassing messages to other employees. Employees who engage in sending harassing messages either will be suspended or lose their job based on the severity.
- Personal messages should not be sent using the organization’s systems. Employees should refrain from sending personal messages as the messages are monitored and this may lead to loss of privacy.
For further clarification, you can reply to this email with your query.
Thank you.
Furnell, S., & Dowland, P. S. (2010). E-mail Security: A Pocket Guide. Ely: IT Governance Pub.