Although various concepts might be contributive in this or that way to reflecting of strategy formulation, some can be more efficient due to their interdisciplinary and systematic nature (Mintzberg et al., 98).The first concept would be creativity, which aims at more creative and imaginative thinking before the detailed analysis (book of reading, p.76). This concept would result in the reflection of various conventional and non-conventional views on the problem and its subsequent resolution; its full reflection would depend on the diversity of stockholders involved, which leads to the participatory concept (Park, Francis, p.83). This concept would aim at the inclusion of diverse views in decision-making and their waging against the centralised planning practices; thus, it does not mean that all ideas would be applied, but the level of participation would encourage a certain freedom of thought (Mintzberg et al., 112). The third crucial concept would be systems, which argues that problem can be viewed in the context of interconnected relations between constituent parts (Park, Francis, p. 84). These three concepts are chosen because they would reflect an interdisciplinary approach to problem resolution and a subsequent strategy formulation (Park, Francis, p. 85). Because of the interdisciplinary nature of this combination, other concepts would be involved in decision-making along the way, including visualisation, progressive, contradiction, financial instrument, observational and computational analysis as supporting tools for the chosen above concepts, depending on the background and subsequent contribution of stakeholders (Mintzberg et al., 127).
Mintzberg, H., Lampel, J., Quinn, J.B. and Ghoshal, S. 2003. The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Park, Francis J.H. The Strategic Plans and Policy Officer in the Modular Divisions. Military Review, 87 (6), pp. 82-86.