Sex and human sexuality are very fascinating issues but also a threat to the society for a number of reasons. The subject is fascinating because it affects every aspect of human behavior and due to its Ubiquitous existence in human beings. Human sexuality has been emerged as a threat because of the diseases that take place due to sexual intercourses. Growing number of HIV patients and people suffering from other sexual diseases suggests that we need to reconsider on this issue with a new approach and discuss it without any hesitation. Religion strongly influences people and by help of religion, issues and threats related to society can be addressed in an effective manner. This paper discusses how some major religions address the issue of sex and human sexuality.
Christianity, in its earlier abstinent times, adopted a slipshod approach and did not accentuate much on it on the other hand, celibacy was widely applauded. Paul of tarsus suggests to remain unmarried and to spend life this way. He writes, “I want you to be free from anxieties. The unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the lord, how to please the lord but the married man is anxious about the affairs of the world, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided. And the unmarried woman and the virgin are anxious about the affairs of the lord, so that they may be holy in body and spirit but the married woman is anxious about the affairs of the world, how to please her husband” (Sindima 104).
The ancient view was changed from time to time and by the beginning of thirteenth century, sex and marriages got the formal approval of church. Pope john Paul supports sex and marriages and recognizes it as an important part of human life. In theology of body, Pope John Paul says, “There is a deep unity between male and female through the body. From this deep unity flows the blessing of fertility and human procreation” (Landry 2).
Islam permits Muslim male to marry four wives for sexual pleasure and in order to produce children. Muslim woman is allowed to marry Muslim men only and one at a time. Two different treatments are prescribed, one for Muslim males and another which is quite different is for Muslim women. Sex and sexuality is an important idea of Islam and perhaps this is one main reason why Muslims are allowed to marry their close relatives. This is a different idea and is perhaps not followed by any other religions but it is clear that there are different rules for enjoying sexuality. Quran allows Muslim males to marry women of other religions but strictly prohibits women from marrying males of different religions.
Ideas like muta marriage were introduced for enjoying sexual pleasure but they were also designed for the males. Sexual offences or prohibited sexual behavior used to attract severe punishments and people were even killed for the offences like adultery. Whether sex appears to be very important in Islam but it is not widely discussed and open discussions on this issue are not appreciated.
Hinduism talks of Brahmcharya (celibacy) and suggests adopting self control in sexual behavior. Regulated Sexual behavior and brahmcharya are a fast way to Moksha (liberation). Hindu religion and their religious books do not talk much on sex and sexual behavior though in temples like Ajanta and Elora, some paintings portraying different sexual ‘asans’ (pose) are made. Four ashrams are prescribed for Hindus, first is Brahmchary that forbids sex and participation in sexual involvement completely. Second is Grihasth ashram that suggests sex as a way of achieving ultimate goal which is liberation from this materialistic world.
Christianity, Islam or Hinduism, none of them have explicit views on sex or sexual behavior but finding conclusion from what these religions suggest for their followers or believers is not difficult. Christianity talks less about sexual behavior but view of Christian scholars have changed over a period of time and the amount of liberty that followers of this religion, enjoy makes it vulnerable for sexual diseases (Bolin and Whelehan).
Islam is very conservative in terms of human sexuality but it becomes vulnerable were it Muslim males to marry four wives. Having sex with more than one may aggravate the situation and makes all connected people vulnerable. Hinduism suggests sex after a certain age and recommends self control. Hinduism does not consider Sex as a medium of enjoyment but it is a way of ‘Moksha’ (liberty).
It is clear from analyzing all major religions that none of them is open enough to discuss sex and sexual behavior but this is the demand of time and no one can afford to neglect this issue any more. Growing number of HIV patients and other sexual diseases is an alarm for the humanity and in order to stay healthy, people have to discuss sex and human sexuality with a new approach. Religious people should take a new approach and discuss the issues openly in order to make society a safer place to live.
Works Cited
A. Bolin and P. Whelehan. Perspectives on Human Sexuality. New York: SUNY Press, 1999.
Landry, Roger J. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Fall River: Espirito Santo Parish, 2003.
Sindima, Harvey J. Introduction to Religious Studies. Maryland: University Press of America, 2009.