One of the objectives in finance was to improve the global systems and attain growth accompanied by profits. Though there were many challenges in 2013, the company was determined to attain a growth rate of between 5 percent and 6 percent. The organic growth was at 5.9 percent, the profits attained through trade were at 14.0 billion and an overall organic growth in United Kingdom was at 2.4 percent (Kotlikoff, 2010, pp 11-14).
Smart two,
Nestle has worked to improve its products and this has seen it become one of the leading food company worldwide, it has sought to develop products that help curb malnutrition and nutritional needs of almost everyone (Friedman, 2007, pp.3-5).
Smart three
Nestle is committed to quality and this is ensured by, the employees, the research done and the company’s determination not to disappoint on the quality of goods. The internal growth in 2013 was at 1.9 percent in the United Kingdom and this signals the ability of Nestle to engage competitively in the economic world (Pretty, 2004, p. 8-15).
Smart four,
Acquiring a customer is not easy and retaining one is harder, nestle ensures that the customers are given priority; simply they are treated like the boss. The centre of attention is on the satisfaction of the customer. This kind of practice has seen Nestle realise an increased dividend of about 2.15 per share in the United Kingdom (Friedman, 2007, pp.3-5).
Smart five,
Personnel development is a major strategy for Nestle to retain its place in the Market. Since the 1880’s Nestle has invested in its employees by offering them additional knowledge and skills. The change in technology that has taken place over the years require that employees equally get additional skills and nestle ensures they acquire (Pretty, 2004, p. 8-15).
Smart six,
Introduction of new technologies and methods like email marketing are applied ensuring that the expectation of the customers are met in advance. The development of strategic platforms in the United Kingdom has seen Nestle dominate the manufacturing market (Kotlikoff, 2010, pp 11-14).
KOTLIKOFF, L. J. (2010). Jimmy Stewart is dead ending the world's ongoing financial plague with limited purpose banking. Hoboken, N.J., Wiely.
FRIEDMAN, T. L. (2007). The world is flat a brief history of the twenty-first century. New York, Picador/Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
HOLLENSEN, S. (2007). Global marketing: a decision-oriented approach. Harlow [u.a.], Financial Times Prentice Hall.
MALEFYT, T. D. (2003). Advertising cultures. Oxford [u. a.], Berg.
PRETTY, J. (2004). The Pesticide Detox Towards a More Sustainable Agriculture. London, Earthscan.