There was a time in life when a prolonged period of suffering was experienced. A best friend died from a tragic car accident after having dinner at the house. This is a very painful and sad event in life. She was a best friend since pre-school. She is someone whom one can share life’s joys and sorrows. Secrets the family does not even know were shared with her.
That period of suffering took a toll on one’s health. Difficulty in sleeping and loss of appetite were experienced. Going out on social gatherings was avoided. School performance was affected. But at a certain point during the grieving period, the realization that life goes on occurred. The death of a loved one is always difficult to accept. One knew that one’s friend would not like one to grieve the rest of one’s life.
Dealing with the suffering was not easy. One read inspirational books about saying good-bye to a loved one. Reading the bible was comforting. Talking with other close friends and one’s parents helped ease the pain. There were consultations made with the pastor in the community. Physically, one dealt with the tragedy by enrolling in yoga and aerobic classes. Through yoga, one learned to meditate and be at peace with oneself and the world. But the most important and valuable way that one coped with the loss was through prayer. Prayer is a very powerful way of easing the pain. One believes that the Lord has helped through the healing process.
The experience of having to go through the pain of losing a best friend taught one several lessons. Death is a part of each one’s life. Whether one likes it or not, one has to face death, either one’s own death or death of a loved one. One also learned that there are several ways of coping with suffering. Foremost among these is acceptance. When a person accepts that there is nothing else he can do but to accept the suffering, then the person can move on. Moving on means finding ways of easing the pain. Turning to God is of utmost importance because He is the greatest Healer. One believes that spiritual healing is the first step and eventually the emotional, physical and mental healing follows. Another realization is that in every cloud there is a silver lining. Although one lost a friend, one realized that there are still other friends whom one can turn to. One need not suffer alone. Other people, like family and friends are there to help and can serve as a support group.
All people experience suffering at one point in their lives. But trust in God should prevail. Believe that God will not give a suffering which one cannot bear. Faith and trust is fundamental in coping with suffering.