A number of fires get triggered when the users of certain electrical appliances do not know the precautions and management strategies of such items. As such, it occurs fundamental to note the detailed measures of management and precaution before purchasing certain electrical devices. The oven’s fire protection system appears as one of the basic items that help in preventing unsuspected fires. It possesses the BPCS that helps in controlling its normal processes in its working state. However, in the event of an electrical mishap that may result into a fire, the SIS provides a safe backup for shutting down the oven.
The users of the oven’s fire protection system need the basic knowledge of how the device works. In addition, they should possess the knowledge on the durability of the device. One should understand the capability of the device chosen to withstand extremely high temperatures.
A number of precautions should occur when using this device. Unsuspected fires would largely be avoided if these preventive measures are put into practice. Every device possesses a list of precautions at the point of purchase. Therefore, the users should take their time to read the necessary literature pertaining to how the device is used. This would enable the users understand any special characteristic that appears in the device. In addition, the users should check on information based on fire occurrences and prevention while using this oven. Furthermore, one should investigate the causes that may trigger a fire while using the device.
Greasy or oily surfaces should not occur in areas where the oven exists. This precaution measure would help to avoid slipping or falling that could lead to fatal accidents and fires. Moreover, the site in which the oven occurs should possess sufficient ventilation. The oven should also occur appropriately located within the building in order to evade destructions from fluctuating temperatures that may lead to a fire.
When these management and precaution measures get followed to the letter, then there would occur less or no cases of unsuspected fires.
GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS SALE OFFICE. (1989). Guide to Fire Precautions in
Existing Hotels, Guesthouses and Similar Premises. DUBLIN: THE STATIONERY OFFICE.