The COP21 agreement reached in Paris in the last days of 2015 appeared to portend a glorious environmental future endorsed by the global community. Many delegates promised to reduce their carbon emissions in order to contain global warming to less than two degree hotter than what we earthlings are currently experiencing. However nothing was mandated, this was nothing other than a voluntarily target aimed at reducing carbon emissions, agreed upon amongst some of the most industrialized nations in the world
Many countries are affected by the rise in temperatures. Small Pacific nations living on the brink of a rise in sea levels, sought to purchase land in other countries in order to retain their sovereignty, as their low-lying atolls were inundated. Pressure was put on the United Nations to define and provide sanctuary protection for environmental refugees, because no protection for refugees of this class has previously existed.
Wind farms, deemed a last resort for energy generation for most first-world countries, are beginning to generate some of the power needed to put into the grid along with solar power. The remaining power requisites are still being provided by fossil fuels, which are becoming increasingly scarce and more expensive.
Communities are slowly coming to the realization that by recycling resources, they are able to stretch their energy dollar a little further. Architects have redesigned the family home with maximum use of recycled elements, including gray water recycling and biological toilets, which reduce the impact on the sewerage system. On a family scale, children will use their bicycles as transport to and from school, to which they will take their lunches in a brown paper bag, similar to their forebears. Lunches will be prepared from home-grown ingredients and with some products being purchased from local supermarkets, which are slowly losing their power due to the prevalence of local market which produce fresh food.
Little by little, earth’s temperatures are beginning to stabilize and the recognized pattern of seasons is beginning to return. Compared with the temperature regimes of 25 years ago, summer heat and winter cold is reduced by a little over 1%.
Humanity is beginning to recognize the importance of their contribution to global warming and is finally trying to do something about it on an individual basis
Example Of Essay On The Year Is 2040.
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: World, Family, Power, Countries, Environment, Environmental Issues, Security, Homelessness
Pages: 2
Words: 400
Published: 02/20/2023
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