Theory of knowledge is one of the categories that is inherent to philosophy, pedagogy, psychology etc. Scholars such as Immanuel Kant and others have said a lot about this topic. And even for an average person it is interesting to see the connection between different spheres of knowledge, for example – mathematics and history: these areas use multiple ways of knowing while producing knowledge.
There are many concepts of "history". One of them is the overall development of society, that is, we are talking about world history. In world history, we understand the path that humanity has passed during its existence. World history is designed to give a generalization of an idea of the development of society in its progressive movement from the lower to the higher levels. World history is the history of all peoples.
History is a science that reflects the diversity of society, allows to realize the complexity of the ways in which humanity is moving in its development. History, like any science, can not exist without the systematization of objective knowledge, no theoretical generalization of empirical data, without penetration into the very essence of the phenomena being investigated by the disclosure of internal laws that govern these phenomena.
The relations of history and modernity concentrates in itself the problems that remain relevant at all stages of development of historical science. Even the representatives of the ancient historians questioned the role of history and experience in the life of society. In the Middle Ages widespread view of history as a process aimed at a certain dominant moral and ethical factors. In the new era historiography has certain aspects of the relationship between history and modernity considered in connection with the study of social dimension of culture issues. There have been attempts to find the causes of class conflict, compared them with similar past events.
It is clear that at that stage of the theory of knowledge, when the science of history, according to Engels, there was "no criticism" and "no philosophy," the ratio of history and modernity was not a special problem in its present meaning and content that today we invest. Enhancing the role of science in public life, the internal logic of the development of historical knowledge and the need for historical research methods largely determine and today the importance of the problem.
The development of historical thought, new techniques and methods of research allow us to see a new, even in repeated observation of the actual material. The object of historical research are not just petrified and unchanging. Archaeology gives many examples of discoveries that lead in a new way to consider the long-known, seemingly thoroughly studied artefacts. Stones begin to "speak" and allows you to scratch, sometimes quite substantial adjustments to reproduce a picture of the distant past.
In more recent historical periods any object that is met by a historian, researcher may surprise his transformation when open previously unknown record of it.
One of the conditions of a deep and comprehensive understanding of the past and the modern era is the attention to historical and cultural processes. The study of the history of culture is essential to clarify the relationships of outstanding events in the cultural, especially artistic life with the extremely complex process, which is so rich in modern history. Today one of the top places in favor cognitive function of historical science - the accumulation and storage of the facts of the past, their analysis, identifying cause-and-effect relationships. In other words, development of historical knowledge - generalized and informed the social experience of mankind.
Historical science in society plays an almost-prognoztichnu role. This is due to the fact that knowledge of history can not only take into account the experience, but also to predict the results for solving contemporary problems. However, it should be noted that the idea that a person who is deeply knowing the past can be a high degree of certainty to predict the future, is an exaggeration.
Sociological laws in force in human society, anything to do with "clairvoyance" are not. "Clairvoyance" - the fantastic thing in this area. However, it is quite another - an attempt to discover the historical roots of the trends existing in the modern world, to predict further movement in one direction or another, and its consequences.
Historical science forms the world and historical thinking man, the historical consciousness of society. Indeed, if formed historical thinking involves understanding the social development as a complex movement, where everything is new due to the preliminary and moribund old lease its achievements the new, the lack of development of this quality creates the illusion of the possibility of any social experiments, realistic fiction programs - or, conversely, the desire contrary to the needs of time at all costs to preserve obsolete.
The weakness of the historical consciousness of the people making it a victim of the manipulators of public opinion in times of crisis leads to apathy and inactivity or the trap of the totalitarian nature of ideas.
So the science of history is more than two thousand years an active influence on the development of all aspects of human society, acting as a powerful engine of social and political progress and educator subsequent generations, which form their world view, based on historical experience.
Why do we need mathematics? This question is often asked by students, since about the fifth grade. And as often meet - in order to successfully pass all the tests, exams, and keep up with their peers.
During all my life I have been able to appreciate the beauty of this science. I had the great desire to understand and to love this discipline. Now I understand that if it was not for mathematics, we would not be able to use cars, would not fly on airplanes, to use the phone or listen to music. Having just come to this world, a new human being immediately gets into the world of numbers – right away someone measures its height, weight, pulse. In adult life, people also can not do without mathematics. The use of mathematical models is necessary for everyone, starting with weather forecasts up to conquering space. Thanks to the use of mathematics, in many cases people do not need to carry out costly and dangerous life experiments. Mathematical calculations allow not to risk people's lives.
Mathematics is associated with the humanities: philosophy is the human instrument through which he learns a device of Nature; Science is are the tools of philosophy, and mathematics is the tool of science. In many ways, thanks to the language is spoken by us by nature, we can translate the language of mathematics. We can build a model to predict the future state of the phenomena that these models are described.
Mathematics is a sixth sense, but it has developed not in its fullest. In mathematics, an important feature is intuition as well as understanding of its internal logic, harmony. That is why there are not so many true scientists in the world. For such people mathematics is life.
The foregoing does not mean that "normal" people do not need to study this subject. Would a modern man do without it? Mathematics is the science which teaches us to think and reason. After all, mathematics lessons aim to teach not only to operate on numbers, but also to build inferences, draw conclusions, to be able to compile, organize, develop abstract thinking. Whichever way we choose in the future, these skills will be in demand. After thinking, the person foresees the consequences of his actions, he is inclined to be responsible for their result, such a man is more difficult to cheat. Creative thinking helps a person to act outside the box, that is of interest to others, which will help him to achieve success in life.
Math teaches us to express ideas consistently. From the man who speaks clearly, communicate much more interesting than those voiced by a continuous flow of chaotic thoughts. That math teaches us to be the first, not the second, both in the routine and in professional life.
There is no doubt that without mathematics еруworld would be very different. And I'm sure it will not be better. Although, of course, there are areas where the meager numbers and computation are now totally irrelevant. First of all, the inner spiritual world of man, his feelings and emotions. Hopefully, that will never replace the mathematical formalism and be decomposed into components of love and kindness, loyalty and honesty, beauty and tenderness. Let it remain outside of the clear description of mathematics.
Works Cited:
Kant, Immanuel, Paul Guyer, and Allen W. Wood. Critique of Pure Reason. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Print.
Woozley, A. D. Theory of Knowledge. London: Hutchinson's U Library, 1962. Print.
Milmed, Bella Kussy. Kant & Current Philosophical Issues: Some Modern Developments of His Theory of Knowledge. New York: New York UP, 1961. Print.
Hartnack, Justus. Immanuel Kant; an Explanation of His Theory of Knowledge and Moral Philosophy. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities, 1974. Print.
Nash, Ronald H. The Light of the Mind; St. Augustine's Theory of Knowledge. Lexington: U of Kentucky, 1969. Print.