Doctors and nurses must follow professional healthcare ethics at all times irrespective of the situation. Doctor John and Margaret, the RN were caught in an ethical dilemma of assisting other patients down the stairs crying for help or ignore them and assist the single patient who had managed to escape the explosion.
What are your value and ethical position related to the case?
One of the professionals healthcare code of ethics states that the primary commitment of the healthcare worker is to the health, safety, and well-being of patients. Healthcare professionals should take appropriate actions to ensure the safety of patients at all times (National Association for Healthcare Quality, 2011). In the scenario, Dr, John, and Margaret had an ethical obligation of saving other patients left in the collapsing building. The utilitarian theory supports the above position. The theory determines the best action to follow that should be ethically correct. Using the utilitarian theory, John and Margaret should make a decision on the best option that ensures the safety of the child and their parents and other patients stuck in the building.
Alternatives for Resolving the problem
Dr. John had proposed all men to walk back the stairs and help other patients from danger, but Joseph and Peter seemed not to cooperate.
Alternative 1: The doctor to inform Joseph that they would not take care of their ill child unless he accepts to go back and assist other patients.
Alternative 2: Peter would rush for help from other employees to come and prepare patients for rescue. To ensure Peter cooperates with the decision, John could threaten to tell the authority about his ignorance to help dying patients that would cost him his employment. T
Alternative 3: All five to leave the place for safety and leave other patients to die.
Possible consequences of those acceptable alternatives
Alternative 1: It would be unethical for the John and Margret not to offer medical attention for Joseph’s child because of his denial to help other patients in the collapsing building. Both would face disciplinary actions. However, Joseph will have no other option but to take part in the rescue process to save the life of his child.
Alternative 2: More people would be saved when other employees are transported to the area of the disaster.
Alternative 3: Both the doctor and the RN would have violated the professionals code of ethics by leaving other patients to suffer while they safeguard their lives. Margret was the RN on duty and would face heavy penalties for not putting efforts to save lives of other patients.
Prioritizing the acceptable alternatives
Alternative two would be the most ethical in the above scenario. The alternative ensures every person takes part in the rescue effort, including Joseph and Peter. Additionally, the alternative allows both John and Margaret to practice their professionals' conducts by calling for help from other professionals and taking part in the rescue mission.
Plan of action
Peter would go for help from other employees as John and Peter help other patients up the stairs to the safety. At the same time, Margret should be looking at the ill child with the assistance of Mary, the mother. When other employees arrive, they join John and Joseph on the rescue mission as Peter transports survivors to a safe destination.
National Association for Healthcare Quality. (2011). Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
for Healthcare Quality Professionals. Retrieved from