Women's suffrage is the right given to women to exercise their voting rights and to stand in elective office. After slavery was abolished, women wanted to have other rights such as voting rights. In the 19th century, women were not allowed to vote since their main responsibilities were to look after children at home and do household work. There are many convention movements that were formed to campaign for voting rights of women. Those who were allowed to vote were women with property and educated. These movements also campaigned for equal civil rights of women. It was after a long struggle in the 19th century, when women were given the right to vote and stand for office. Even after being given the right to vote, women were still discriminated by men.
There are some similarities in Professor Kuhlman and professor Woodworth-Ney comments on the issue of women's suffrage. The two professors agree that women were discriminated and were not allowed to vote. They also agree that women were not allowed to stand for office, which is very unfair. In their views, they agree that this act of discrimination against women hinders development in many parts of the world. Nations that have risen to the top and have had economic growth are those that give women rights to hold state office and to vote. They both agree that women's suffrage has been the key to the development and expansion of civilization. It is very unfortunate that there are some countries that deny women the right to vote and hold state office. This is because men in these countries have a notion that the work of a woman is to look after children and perform household chores.
In past decades, women were not allowed to vote or hold any state office. It was believed that their work is to take care of children at home and do household work. There has been a long struggle before women were allowed to vote. Only women with property were allowed to vote and hold state office. Even after being allowed to vote, they were still discriminated by men. Women's suffrage has really empowered women since they have the right to vote, own property and vie for state office. It has been noted that countries that allow women to hold state office develop at a very high rate. This is because many women are consistent with what they do compared to men. Therefore, it is very important for countries give women equal seats in the government as men.