- Since its inception, Google has been at the heart of providing its users with the best user experience that they believe is possible to them. Whether it is launching a new browser or creating new looks to any of their products homepage,
(a) Google has been at the forefront of ensuring that the experience best serves their clientele rather than their own goals.
(b) They have also managed to focus on some of their best strengths and really spend much of their work on creating the best for the users of Google. For instance, their major strength is in search. From this, they have managed to create one of the world’s best and largest search engines.
(c) Google have also managed to work on their searching speeds, breaking their own records in search speeds which tend to average a fraction of a second. This has gone an extra mile in keeping their clientele and adding onto their client network since everyone’s wish is to have the best search speeds on the web.
(d) Another major breakthrough that has shot them up the rankings of success is their mobile-compatible products. With the modern world now becoming more mobile than it was some years ago, it has become everyone’s preference to have that single engine that is compatible with the mobile devices for faster and easier access of information.
(e) Google has also been successful owing to the participatory nature of their employees. By encouraging participation from all employees in their product development, they have managed to create innovative products that are appreciated the world over. Participatory Leadership yields innovation and creativity, and this is exactly what Goolge has capitalized on. These five aspects make Google uch a success as it has been.
- Google’s main competitors are mostly in the email, search engine and social circles. These are the areas where they have invested their innovation heavily. Some of these competitors are Yahoo and Microsoft Outlook in the email services, Mozilla and Yahoo in the search engines circles, and Facebook and Twitter in the social circles.
- The 70-20-10 rule is a leadership development model that was started by the Center for Creative Leadership. It is based on a 30-year study on how company executives learn to steer their companies. The model is embedded on the belief that leadership is learnt through doing. This model has recently been adopted by most organizations worldwide. The model would be a best fit in our company since it creates participatory roles in every employee in the company, especially because it supports experience at every level, be it in the job or in the classroom. It is divided into 70 percent of on-the-job learning, 20 percent on mentoring and coaching, and 10 percent is focused on classroom teaching.
- According to the Path-Goal theory, leadership may demonstrate itself as one or more of four leadership behaviors. This includes: Directive Leadership, Supportive Leadership, Participatory Leadership, and Achievement-Oriented Leadership. In an environment like Google, three of these leadership behaviors show up. These include Supportive Leadership, Participatory Leadership and Achievement-Oriented Leadership. The leaders at Google offer support to their employees in the daily running of the company. Every Googler is also welcome to contribute their ideas on product development or innovation in what becomes a participatory mode of leadership. Lastly, all employees together with their leaders are geared up to one common strategy: achievement.
- An environment like the one we have at Google has innovation as its heart since all product developments are directed at innovations. In such an environment, a Laissez-faire leadership style is so effective since everyone has that freedom to contribute their own ideas which when summed up add to the overall innovation nature of the company.