The first quarter of the twentieth century was characterized by an unpleasant form of racism. Precisely, powerful nations like the Germans believed that the anti-socialist behavior was a hereditary trait that they needed to maintain to enhance their endeavors. When the German Nazis accented to power in 1933, they implemented authority discriminately by exploiting the weaker parties and neutralizing any potential threats. Through their popular ideology, preventive fighting of crimes, they self-bestowed the power of incarcerating any individual or groups that would be a potential threat to their rule. According to the video, Dachau Concentration Camp, the Nazi's greatly persecuted the Romans in the twentieth century as a strategy to enhance their control. This led to the creation of concentration camps to accommodate the arrested, those to be tortured for information, and the casualties these activities. For a fact, growing up in a concentration camp is an unsettling experience due to the inconveniences posed by the unwarranted killings, torture, social unrest and forced labor. This paper evaluates the video’s argument from a critical perspective.
The concentration camps’ administration promoted forced labor within the concentration camps. According to the video, more than forty thousand people were incarcerated in Dachau concentration camp between 1939 and 1941 to provide labor for the Nazis. After the German invasion of Poland, Hitler ordered the creation of forced labor camps to aid in the development of war equipment for the military forces. Most of the people recruited to the camps at that period died of exposure, starvation, and exhaustion. The prisoners were rarely given any food, and they were forced to survive on the few meals issued. The detainees were mainly utilized for the development of the SS-controlled industry. Brutal force was used to supervise the work parties. This led to the death of nearly 620 people in the first week after their deportation. After the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, the Nazis increased the number of prisoner camps to facilitate their development.
The video reveals that these camps facilitated the murder of numerous people during the Nazi endeavors to establish autonomy in Roma. It argues that thousands of Romans were killed during the German occupation of some of the western regions of the USSR. Surprisingly, most of the war captives were deported to the concentration of camps. The few survivors were left to fight for their survival since no medication was issued while at this facility. In fact, the medical officers used this situation as a platform to exercise medical experiments on actual human beings. During the Second World War, rapid expansion of the Nazi camps made it possible for the doctors to perform military experiments on survivors. In some cases, uncooperative captives were tortured through this operation.
The concentration camp’s authority yielded the development of social unrest within the camp and areas around this vicinity. According to the video, the German authorities had the power to incarcerate any individual who posed a threat to their governance. They had the right to exercise this authority on preventive detention grounds and protective measures. As such, one could be deported to any of the concentration camps in Roma regardless of their innocence as long as an apparent argument was presented against their intentions. Thousands of people were captured on accusations of being habitual criminals. These allegations were used to justify their arrest since the law implemented by the administration required one to pose a significant threat to the welfare of the German government before being arrested. There was no judicial system to review the reasons for arrest. Consequently, people lived in fear of their lives due to the uncertainties posed by the Nazi administration and the concentration camps. Therefore, the Nazi government, through the concentration camp's administration yielded social unrest among the Romans.
Additionally, the concentration camps fostered the torture and murder of many Jews. To facilitate the final solution, (mass destruction of the Romans) the Nazis set aside the concentration centers in Poland to as killing centers. Dachau and other similar establishments were designed to be efficient locations for mass murder. The administration constructed gas chambers to make the killing exercise less impersonal for the casualties. Aside from that, other camps facilitated the abuse of the Roman casualties in multiple ways. Men in the captured families were killed or tortured while the females sexually assaulted or compelled to be laborers. Graf argues that the survival situation was intolerable in all the Nazi concentration centers since the establishment were intentioned to make the lives of the people affected lesser unbearable. The German's had no regard for the welfare of their captives. As a result, they sought to implement the policies issued by the governing parties regardless of the difficulty they were subjecting other people to.
Concentration camps promoted racial discriminations as they created an effective platform for the Nazis to undermine the Roman autonomy. For instance, the German administrators implemented laws that castigated marriages between Jews and Arians. This measure was taken to prevent any mixture between the cultures and to show their superiority. Those who violated this law or were against it were arrested under preventive detention measures. Precisely, they posed a threat to the Nazi administration, and there was a need to eliminate their influence for the peace purposes. This initiative was rather selfish, and it greatly undermined peace within the region. As a result, there is no justification that the implementation of this law enhanced peaceful interaction between the Germans and the Romans. Rather, it promoted racial discrimination and undermined the possibility of peaceful existence between the parties mentioned above.
In conclusion, the establishment of the concentration camps before the Second World War had a lot of destructive effects on Roma. It lead to the development of torture, unwarranted killings, discrimination, social unrest and sexual assaults. Growing up in such an environment is unconducive for any human being as it would yield negativity in a person’s perception. The video explaining the situation on the Dachau Concentration Camp presents a convincing argument about the impact of these establishments to the Romans. It highlights some critical disturbing events related to this period and castigates the initiatives implemented by the administration at these centers. For instance, it attributes the unexpected casualties of the people at the detention centers to the harsh treatment issued by the governing bodies. Additionally, it disregards people’s torture at these establishments. It criticizes the utilization of human beings in Nazi experiments. Overall, these arguments outline the negative effect of the Nazi policies in the establishment of concentration centers. This administration policy was inefficient in upholding German policies as it undermined national peace and stability within the conquered nations.
Dachau Concentration Camp. Video, 2012. Accessed February 26, 2016.