What do you like about American Government structure?
The government structure of the United States of America is based on an electoral college. Each state is allocated a certain number of votes based on the population in that state. California has the largest number of votes in the Electoral College. For a party to win a presidential race it has to take at least 270 out of the possible 540 votes in the Electoral College. The candidate who obtains a majority in a state is availed all the possible votes in that state. This is the point of articulation of the federal and the state governments. This government system promotes democracy and ensures that the most popular candidate is elected. There are also national debates that help to evaluate the ability of a candidate to deliver articulately and with utmost professionalism.
What do you not like about American Government structure?
The government system in USA is disadvantageous as far as protection of social morality is concerned. This is especially as concerns the legalization of same sex marriages. This is because the sense of democracy allows for the people to change the rules to their favor. As such, the morality of the society and hence the resulting consequences are left to social pressure without sufficient control (Storey, 2010).
What would you take with you in United Arab Emirates?
The United Arab Emirates is well endowed when it comes to infrastructural development. This is mostly because of the money obtained from oil exports since oil is a bountiful resource. As such, there are many tourist attractions since local investors have built tourist resorts even in the deserts. The goods in United Arab Emirates are fairly cheaper, and hence I would purchase goods such as cars (Al, 2001).
What would you not take back with you in United Arab Emirates and Why?
However, much is the United Arab Emirates is economically stable, civil strife is known to occur from time to time. Furthermore, women do not have equal rights as compared to men. They are viewed as the weaker sex and most are not educated (Cultures of the world, 2008). This culture of male chauvinism is definitely something that I would not take from United Arab Emirates. The hot weather is also uncomfortable especially since it is mostly hot throughout the year. Agriculture is not practiced all over the country and agricultural imports take up most of the country’s imports.
Al, A. I. (2001). United Arab Emirates: A new perspective. London: Trident Press.
Cultures of the world. (2008). New York: Marshall Cavendish Benchmark.
Storey, W. (2010). US Government And Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.