Data is important to Web 2.0 because it is used to get the insights of available in data. The data is important because they help bring the knowledge that is being sought. Web 2.0 is all about data; it makes use of the data to get the knowledge and the patters that are required for the organization. There are many organizations which have shifted from Web 1.0 to now Web 2.0. This shift is because of the data that comes with this new technology. Data is used to get the knowledge and patterns that are required for the business. Without data, it would be hard to get some data and information.
Yelp is a perfect example of the next example of Data is the next intelinside. This is a so because of the fact that the data is used to guide the Yelp search engine to get the required information. With the use of data to get the locations for businesses, Yelp makes use of data. The more data that Yelp gets, the more intelinside will get. This the reason why there is a need to ensure that there is better understanding of the data and how Yelp will leverage it to get the right information. Data will be the next intelinside as it will be the source of information and intelligence. With the leveraging of data in this process, it is important to understand the need to ensure that the data will be used to get the intelligence that is required. As data grows by the day, it is being used to get the required information and knowledge. This knowledge is becoming an important source of information. Many organizations are now building the most important data which is the development of the data. This will ensure that there is better understanding of the intelligence. Data will become the most important asset on the world.
Yelp fits in this aspect of the next intelinside because of the use of data in getting the knowledge that is being used on the process. Yelp fits in the picture because of the use of data to manipulate the future and get the knowledge that is required. Was large volumes of data are used in the analysis and assessment of the information that is used by Yelp, one important thing that it has been used to get the analysis of the businesses. Yelp is a platform that makes use of data to get the required information that is sought by the users of the platform. The intention is to the information that is sought by the users to analyze the requirements of the users. Yelp will go through volumes of data to understand the knowledge and the intelligence that is being sought in the process.
O'reilly, T. (2007). What is Web 2.0: Design patterns and business models for the next generation of software. Communications & strategies, (65).
o'Reilly, T. (2009). What is web 2.0. O'Reilly Media, Inc..