Death of Senator Ted Kennedy who used to fight for Universal Health Insurance in the Congress and other senate representatives was a big blow to the Universal healthcare bill proposed by president Obama. Scott Brown’s election as Republicans made the Democrats to lose the 60-vote majority that they used to enjoy before. Decision by the executive arm of federal government to make the negotiations on the new healthcare plan public for the sake of transparency is what shaped American politics leading to more grassroots support for Democrats. The President announced that he was going to engage doctors, pharmacist’s, Worker’s Unions, representatives, and all other stakeholders in the healthcare sector in the deal. Universal Health Insurance bill was going to establish an insurance plan that is going to compete fairly with other insurance companies. Indeed this is the bill that informed decisions of most Americans during election date.
Impressions for the Obama
A number of closed-door deals took place behind scenes before coming up with the famous president Obama’s Healthcare bill. Majority of the common citizens knew nothing before the president decided to make it public. This video reveals the secrets that at first, the deal between president and pharmaceuticals lobby groups was of $80 billion but then it was later increased to $100 billion for Senator Ben Nelson’s sake. The senator urged the president to increase the amount for him to save his vote. First chief of staff advised the president to consider a smaller amount but he refused. On the other hand, members of the congress were pushing for bipartisan bill but the Republicans shot down the pan. The president took a personal responsibility to campaign for the bill assuring the American citizens that there will be no federal funding for abortions. This was seen as a boost and positive response to the demands for executive directive and confirmation on funding of abortion. Most people loved president Obama for he stood with his promise of providing a healthcare cover to all Americans.