Information transfer is a communication and passage of a recorded message from one recipient to another. It contrasts a communication process where the sender and the receiver are contemporaries and requires that the transmitted message be in form of ideas. The transfer of information in a system should meet the needs of the user. As depicted in figure 1 a person with an idea represents that information in a medium. The medium for recording the idea fits in the model and the information is stored in an information system. The recorded information is stored in a different type of information system represented by a circle to contrast the conventional system. With the conventional system information is stored in a system which is rigid. However, in this information transfer model, the information system is designed to meet the needs of the users. As indicated by the two-way arrows, it meets the needs of the current and potential clientele through a systematic needs assessment, and re-shaping to satisfy the intended needs.
The main difference with the model is that the value is centred on the receiver of the message and not the message itself. For example, in the building of a library, the needs and requirements of the uses should surpass other needs. Architects would always want to build monuments to gain recognition but form and function should effectively co-exist. The library, in spite of its monumental nature should serve the needs of the users first. By conducting systematic needs assessment via casual conversations, surveys, advisory groups and community reviews and analysis, appropriate formats of information that meet the needs of the public are found. Using the survey data, staff continuously assess their service offerings to effect changes that are in pace with the people needs.
Information Utilities
There are numerous information sources that co-exist to help users acquire knowledge. The need for information in a convenient, appropriate and responsive manner is a exponential concept that has attracted the attention of computer and telecommunication industry players to continuously develop systems for seamless dissemination of information to the public. Libraries are an example of information agencies available for the public.
Initial concerns of information and communication industry were based in delivery of information of any kind via phone and cables in a convenient manner. The delivered information once disseminated is acquired by the user through a purchase or free of charge and saved for its use. The user need to determine the amount of information required, the depth, breadth, accuracy among other features, thus skills and knowledge about the resources used to deliver and store information is required. This trend has changed with the development of commercial purposes which provide interactive components or personalized services to the users to help in defining the depth, breadth and accuracy of information desired.
The need has arisen for the alteration of current information sources into information utilities. An information utility model is centred on the needs of the public. Prior to releasing information, the needs of the public should be considered through needs assessment. For instance in the case of a library, once the needs of the actual and potential users of the library has been realized, an attitude shift is imminent in library staff from collection-centred to satisfaction centred. This value shift is required for a library to change from a warehouse to an information facility. This will result in assessing and solving issues from the user point of view. The policies and processes that touch on priority, terms and conditions of use and registration are altered to reflect the needs of the user. Registration is altered to reflect on the need to know the user better and provide customized services rather than acquiring his information just for the sake of it.
Unlike in traditional libraries where the value was concentrated on the material such as the book, current information sources seek to develop client-centred information transfer models that satisfy the needs of the user. The platform for the provision of information should be customized such that the role of the providers is extended beyond mere provision of access to serve the needs of the users.
Information transfer model
Information transfer can be discussed using an information transfer cycle detailing the cycle of information from the creation to disposal stage. The life of information is documented as follows:
Information is created in a number of ways that follows a sequence. First, research is conducted to determine the needs of the users or an information gap in a certain field. Research is conducted in universities, media houses, think tanks among other participants to create new information and knowledge. The mechanism for conducting research varies from questionnaires, to interviews, to focus groups among others. Once the obtained data is analyzed, the needs of the users are interpreted and subjected to coding processes. Information is created by the assembly of data in ways that give new meanings, operations and functions. In the creation of a software, for instance, a gap in the computing arena is assessed, and once prove is found to support its creation, assembly of code is built. The code is built in a way that functions differently from existing software but satisfy the needs of the users. Data has now been assembled into new information. The next process involves recording.
Upon the creation of new information, recording in some format is a must so that it can be disseminated and used by other users. In the case of software development or a file, after conducting preliminary research on the needs of the users, model development and planning is conducted. The information concerning the new model is recorded in the software as working products. The workings saved in the software program whether final or draft represents the recording process.
Reproduction is the process of duplicating the information so that it can be shared in different platforms among many users. After saving the created model in the software program, it is upon the creator to share it with other users in social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest. Reproducing this model and sharing it via these social networks is referred as reproduction. The produced file is packaged in a way that it can be shared as a link in social networks for users to access it. First before mass reproduction, the developer shares the file with a few users in a pilot test to conduct the effectiveness of the program. If the result of the pilot research confirms the functionality and usefulness of the product, it is ready for mass reproduction, but if the result indicates some problems in the working of the product, the developer may review the product. At this stage, debugging is also conducted to revise some errors encountered. Polling may also be conducted among the selected users to test the user functionalities and satisfaction levels.
Once the redevelopment and redesign has been satisfactorily addressed, the second prototype is rolled out for reproduction. If in this case the model is wholly accepted, it is made available for global reproduction and sharing. User review is vital in this process because it tests the functionality and effectiveness of the model in respect to the final user.
After mass production, the model can be shared to a larger audience through electronic sources. Information is disseminated to a large number of audiences through social networks. The developer creates a page exclusive for the model and invites followers and friends to like and share. Distribution can be managed such that users have to like the information page before getting access to download or use the link. Distribution through social media can be achieved through the following ways: The ability to create some buzz about the model released will do great in reaching the product to a lot of users. Currently social networks are accessed via mobile applications. Leveraging on this, the developer shares the model within individual groups, community pages, business networks and the like. To create awareness of the existence of the product to a large mass of people is achieved through such things as widgets and traffic recreation. Second, the developer can drive traffic to online web pages using social networks where users can be enticed to try on the new model. Social networks work out greatly in delivering information to the right kind of users at the right time.
Bibliographical control
Bibliographical control refers to the organization of information for easy access. Bibliographical control refers to the recording of new information in whatever format they are upon production. It comprises of the process of recording, systematic acquisition of the recorded sources in libraries and other information agencies, location of theses information sources via catalogs and other devices and finally, management of bibliographies in all areas.
In the case of a model developed by software, the developer arranges for bibliographic management tools that locate the model whenever necessary for easy retrieval. Such tools are readily available in the market and it is upon the developer to seek for the favourable option. Wikipedia’s comprehensive comparison of reference management software, Mendeley, Refworks and Zotero are examples that can be adopted for bibliographic purposes.
Organization by Discipline
Organization by discipline contrast bibliographic management and is specifically suited for a given group of users. An organization or a developer can come up with their own methods of organizing models in the web so that their users can access it quickly. In this case, a scheme that facilitates faster retrieval of the model can be used by the developer. The scheme adopts a unique indexing that differentiates the content in the web and make it easily accessible to its users. In this case, content can be arranged as “Technology”, “Trends”, “Social” and “General” or they can be arranged by date or titles adopted.
Diffusion of information is provided to help users understand the message effectively. Just like the newspapers make the information available to the public, a user manual makes the information available to the user for easy utilization and processing. A user manual created to show the working of the model or accessed via “Help” section is useful in interpreting what the user does not know in a stepwise process. Other than user manuals, online forums and discussion groups created exclusively to aid in the use of the model is useful. Through the forums, users and developers diffuse the information to the less literate users via discussions, demonstrations, video demonstrations and graphics. At the end of the process, the information is fully diffused into the minds of the users and is in a better position to utilize the model.
Professionals facilitate the use of information in the society to bring changes and sustain development. Professionals use the knowledge they acquired to better the society. Likewise, information professionals utilize the knowledge they have created, organized, and diffused to better the understanding of the users. The information that has been shared via social networks is diffused and once understood well, they are applied to daily use for betterment of mankind. The model created in this case can be utilized to change the knowledge and operation of its users. For instance, it could be an analytical use developed to gain insight of the markets and in conduct proper planning and marketing, change investment priorities or alter organizational operations. Though this information in form of the model has been understood by the users, it needs to be put into practice by analyzing for it to be effective.
When the information has been effectively utilized to perform a certain function, it can be preserved for future use. This information is preserved because of three reasons: either as a physical object deriving some value e.g. a book, or knowledge and ideas essential for a certain function or the context of the work for which the information represent. A planning and management model developed for a specific task in an organization can be preserved for future use when the current task is complete. For instance in building an infrastructure, an architectural model and procedure or works management technique can be preserved for future reference when the current activity comes to an end. The developer of the model will most certainly want to preserve it for the three reasons though it might not be practical for the case.
Records are removed from record management systems if their content becomes obsolete and irrelevant or damaged. A model that is no longer useful to the user for whatever purposes need to be discarded. However, in discarding this content, the three considerations for preservations are considered. If a new model or version is developed to replace the existing one, deletion of the existing work is appropriate. In the changing times and technology, ideas, processes and aspects change to reflect current times. Old methodologies though was relevant at one time must be deleted to give way for new ones.
This analysis of information transfer cycle has provided a useful insight of how information is managed from the time it is created to the time it is finally disposed. This life cycle is applicable to various professions. Member of different professions have the responsibility of conducting research and updating their knowledge to satisfy current societal needs. All professions are engaged in research to produce new breed of knowledge which is mass produced, disseminated, organized in a given manner, diffused, preserved and finally deleted. New information is created daily, passed through information life cycle processes and finally updated or deleted.
Petrocelli, T. D. (2005). Data Protection And Information Lifecycle Management. Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference.
R. Greer, R. S. (2007). Introduction to the Library and Information Professions. London.