Participants Statement
I have read and understand the accompanying information sheets about the above-mentioned study. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and clarify my role in the research. I am aware that my involvement is voluntary and that I can withdraw at any time. I am giving my consent to take part in this study.
____________________________ __________________________________ ____________
Investigators Statement
I am a student of (school) specializing on (your course). I am undertaking the study entitled Effects of Incarceration on the Lives of Former Inmates as part of the requirements for the course Social Science Research Methods. In line with my objective to learn more about what takes place after incarceration, I am asking you to become part of this study. All information I would be able to collect will be used solely for academic purposes. I am assuring you that I will apply strict confidentiality in my data-gathering techniques and data analysis. If you wish to further issues regarding your participation, please do not hesitate to ask questions.
____________________________ __________________________________ ____________
Study on the Effects of Incarceration on the Lives of Former Inmates
Purpose of the Study
Periods of incarceration or imprisonment leave a mark on the lives of men and women who have gone through this experience. They have to deal with the trauma of residing in prison cells and such environment can have adverse contribution to their behavior in the outside world. They have to struggle with low self-esteem and questions about their image to others. This study seeks to investigate psycho-social issues confronting prisoners. To do this, the researchers will focus on the behavioral adjustments that a former inmate undertakes as he/she begins the process of re-entry into society after being freed.
Selection Criteria and Sampling Strategy
Purposive sampling is used in this research. Participants to the study will be selected according to the length of time they have stayed in prison. Both male and female participants are welcome. The age range is from 18 years old to 50 years old. Only former inmates who are currently holding jobs are selected. Their stay in prison should have not also exceeded five years.
Research Procedure
The researcher selects potential participants from data accessed from the state prison. They would be asked to fill out consent forms that ensure strict confidentiality.
The selected participants shall be interviewed one month after being freed. This interview will be the only interview for five of the ten participants. They act as the control group. The remaining half of the participant shall be interviewed at regular intervals thereafter. They shall be asked questions 6 months after being freed, then at 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months after being freed.
Interviews are done by phone. When participants agree, researcher shall hold face to face interviews. Consent to interview family members of participants will be sought and when given, researcher shall hold interviews with former inmates’ family members.
Data collected will be coded and questionnaires labeled using alphanumeric names to keep names of interviewees confidential. Statistical analysis of data will be done using SPSS. The results of the analysis will then be presented in a research report.
Potential Harm or Benefits
As information of being former inmates can be a deterrent to potential employment or social relationships, exposing this information through the research process can be harmful to the participants. However, as reiterated a number of times, extreme care shall be utilized by the investigator to protect confidential information.
The benefits of the research can contribute to programs aimed at former inmates’ successful reintegration into society. The collected information will definitely facilitate a deeper understanding about coping methods and behavioral challenges of former inmates. This information can also help family members interact with former inmates and support their re-entry into society.
This research will benefit from the openness of the former inmate to share information about his/her experience. Thus, this researcher ensures utmost confidentiality. No data shall be collected about the former inmate’s case, except for the dates the person got into and out of prison. In the questionnaires and reports, interviewees shall only be referred to using codes composed of alphanumeric labels. In instances where participants do not agree to face to face interviewees, they shall be asked questions through telephone.
I am aware that the study entitled Effects of Incarceration on the Lives of Former Inmates is undertaken by (name of researcher) from (researcher’s university) for the course Social Science Research methods.
I am aware that the purpose of the research is to investigate psycho-social issues confronting prisoners focusing on the behavioral adjustments that a former inmate undertakes as he/she begins the process of re-entry into society after being freed.
I understand that I have been selected from information available at the state prison.
I am aware that I will be interviewed through telephone or face to face if I agree. I know that I may be interviewed one month after leaving prison, six months after I left prison, 12 months after, 18 months, and 24 months after leaving prison.
I am aware that information collected from these interviews will be used only for academic purposes.
I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and clarify my role in the research.
I am aware that my involvement is voluntary and that I can withdraw at any time.
I am giving my consent to take part in this study.