Job description is a written statement that fully and correctly defines a job. Sometimes, job description is done in a place but immediately it is completed the the person to be hired is relocated. For instance, job description is done in the United States but the person to be hired is relocated to Germany. Due to this relocation, the various job description steps will have to be reviewed. The review will ensure that the person will has been selected for the job has the necessary skills and capacity to work in the environment to which he is to be relocated.
The major functions which were identified must be reviewed. Titles and groups under which you included the duties in the location where the description was done needs to be reconsidered so that tittles and duties in the new location is taken into consideration. Restructure the functions to clearly indicate what, how and why the duties will be done after relocation. Purpose, content and scope of the job in the new environment will therefore have been catered for.
Job requirements and specification needs to be reviewed. The individual to be relocated will need to have the level of education, experience required, certification needed and other skills required in the new environment. This is to ensure that only people who can work in Germany. Language spoken by the person is crucial and must be considered. The American to be relocated to Germany has to know how to speak and hear the language spoken by Germans. Job specification will be achieved by re-stating the qualifications and considering new applicants who can qualify for the job.
The percentage of functions, in the new place, in relation to the total job has to be redefined. This is achieved by examining the total job in the Germany that the person is to be relocated to and compare it with that in the United States. This will ensure that the individual does not get demoralized when the functions he is given in Germany are are very high or too low than what he expected.
The frequency of each and every duty in the in Germany will be considered and clearly made known to the person to be hired by formal communication. Is it a daily, weekly or monthly duty? It is important so that the person makes a decision whether to accept or decline the job.
Environmental, physical barriers or any other special demand that may hinder relocation needs to be identified. For instance, It may not be possible to relocate a physically challenged American to Germany because he needs to be close to his family members who take care of him. The American may not be ready to work in Germany hence he may decline the job. If that happens, the hiring and placing process will be repeated to get people who are able and willing to work in the new environment.
The degree of supervision required in Germany is also a factor that must be reviewed. This will provide a brief overview of the job in Germany. Rules and regulations that have been put in place in Germany cannot be assumed. The American may not be ready to work in Germany due to strict laws that govern conduct. The rules and regulations in Germany have to be disclosed to the American before translocation.
If review of job specification finds the American unsuitable for the relocation, a person suitable for the relocation will be selected from the applicants.
Von der Ohe, H. (Mr.), & Robertson, Karen. (2010). The validation of a test battery for the selection of first-line supervisors in a South African mining company
Industrial, W. S. (1951). Assessing the job: A brief summary of job analysis, job specification, job evaluation and merit rating. Westminster: Industrial Welfare Society
Vickers, E. (1983). The Librarian's instructions: A job specification of the year 1627. London ([59 Westwood Park, SE23 3QGHedgehog Press.