Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s Contributions
Aside from being known as one of the greatest and most versatile thinkers and writers of modern period, Johann Wolfgang Goethe gave a remarkable contribution to the world of biology as well as science’s history and philosophy. He gave a remarkable contribution in field of biology especially his morphology concept, which is the foundation of evolution theory. His careful attention to sociological factors also made him an essential forerunner of various modern thinkers. Likewise, present literary scholarship finds in Johann Goethe an advocate of concepts for instance, comparative literature even the concept of decisive role portrayed by the reader in providing significance to literary work. Additionally, his literary works, which have consistently kept his reputation, also serve to express his many-faceted connection to music. Indeed, his he saw lyric poetry as incomplete if there is no music. This can be regarded as his contribution to opera music. One of his greatest contributions to music was Faust that as far as he knew was not set operatically at some point in his lifetime. Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s contributions made him famous during his time through his play Goetz of Berlichingen.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s Fields of Endeavor
Goethe acquired the licentiate in law and he practiced it with his father during the next four years after he studied at a university in Strasbourg. He also wrote two works, which brought him literary fame. In 1775, Goethe was invited to Karl Augustus ducal court in Saxe-Weimar and held many high offices wherein he spent most of his remaining life. However, his passion of being an artist made him go back to writing where he devoted the rest of his life.
A Polymath is a person who possesses an extensive knowledge of a wide array of topics. Polymath is different from a generalist, who has a little bit of knowledge about many things. Being a polymath means having a great deal over numerous things. In other words, a polymath is a person who has learned large amount of information, transformed into knowledge over numerous topics.