Patrick Alan Nunnelee, a representative member of congress of Mississippi District1, will be 56 years come October 9. He hailed from Tupelo and attained his A-level from Mississippi State University. As a man, Alan sought employment from American Funeral Assurance Co. later, in the company of his father formed Allied Funeral Associates Inc. and Allied Funeral Associates Insurance Companies and in both he held influential positions. Nunnelee has engaged with military through the Allied Funeral Associates; and he ascribes to Baptist faith. Consequently, Allan is a republican and has been in office since January 3, 2011 (Government Track us 1).
Nunnelee is an active member of the congress and competent legislature despite the contrary opinion held by a few. For example, in his current term, Nunnelee has sponsored several bills, including but not limited to legislature alone. He advised president Obama to seek authorization from the congress before sending military into Syria. The 2014, National Defense Authorization Act and Department Of Homeland Security Appropriations Act got full support of Nunnelee as a congress representative. In total, he has supported 8 bills and rejected 2 bills including The House Amendment Act. Despite the fact that Nunnelee is not part of the party leadership, his role in politics gives him precedent over other members in consideration of committee positions. For example, he served in the appropriation committee, under sub-committees on agriculture and rural development, energy and water development, and military constructions, veteran affairs. Alan held similar positions in the hose committees; regarding non-party caucuses, he participates in congressional diabetes, congressional prayer, and sportsmen’s caucuses among others (Government Track us 1).
A larger part of Alan’s websites is dedicated to constituent events and services, especially that of health, which revolves around his political manifesto during the campaigns. He advocated for health care reforms that included tax advantage from health care premiums and merging of small enterprises to pool resources for the health insurance of its staffs. He further proposed full reforms on tort, and fought for people’s capacity to retain their medical cover when they switch employment. The website further challenges the people on the need to be conscious on use of scarce resources especially energy and encourage community empowerment through public forums on the highlighted key issues (Government Track us 1).
Works cited page
Government Track us. "Rep. Alan Nunnelee." Version 1. US Government, 27 Dec. 2011. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>.
Works cited
Long, Robert Lee "Alan Nunnelee wants to serve First District.” Desoto Times Tribune. (2010). Print.
The open congress website