The movie by Ronald wright emphasizes on the tinted international relations as well as the short comings of progress. We are coming from Stone Age and we are heading to a period that will be worse than the Stone Age since civilization is failing. It shows how the humanity’s nervous system is being rewired from day to day. It shows images of man building, destroying, dreaming, living, dying, mastering and failing. The world is running out of resources. Man destroys their own culture to replenish the exhausted resources. Our destruction of natural resources has made it difficult for the society to achieve meaningful civilization. He says, “ the health of land and water – and of woods, which are the keepers of water – can be the only lasting basis for any civilization’s survival and success”. It also addresses the problem of overpopulation and rapid growth of cities while the living conditions of those in urban settings continue to worsen.
The ascension of humanity is usually measured by the rapidity of progress. However, man’s effort to progress has actually pulled the world down. Progress has to a large extent destroyed past civilizations by laying progress traps. Progress traps are innovations that create new problems that the society is not able to solve. Globalization brought forth by the advancements in technology has brought both advantages and disadvantages to human beings and the world at large. It has reduced the world to a global village. This has made easy for people to share information and ideas. Various inventions came up to improve human life. Although some have done it, most have actually degenerated the condition. Also, globalization has made it simple for ill-intentioned groups such as terrorists to fulfill their missions. It has become extremely fast to transfer information and materials. Though this was actually meant to make life better, people have used it to deteriorate human.
Nations should amend states-only philosophy of international diplomacy to accommodate the impacts that terrorist groups and NGOs have impacted on international relations. A nation cannot survive on its own. It has to cooperate with other nations so as to address the problems that have been created by civilization. The problems are global hence requires the attention of every nation. Diplomacy could be the only best method that can solve the problems that have been created in the name of civilizations. Even the stateless actors deserve a seat at the table. They may provide the best strategy of solving the issues. Nations and individuals must join hands to address the current challenges that are facing the society before the problems engrave the society. Man’s existence depends full on the environment. Man’s actions have a great impact on the environment. Failure to address environmental problems in good time will make the world the worst place to live in. globalization has to a large extent negatively impacted on the traditional state system and states have to adjust their systems to accommodate the effects of globalization since they are real.