Equatorial Guinea’s national cuisine is presented to the world as tasty, delicious and sumptuous. Like many other African countries, Equatorial Guinea treasures its cuisine with great enthusiasm. Also, to things that a region or country adopts like language, literature, and art, food is essential in the definition of a group of people (Cusack 48). Food is an integral and critical element in any culture. National cuisine or national cuisine as may be described by others is the subsistence meals that people of a particular region identify with.
It defines the tastes, creativity and style of any tradition. Therefore, when it comes to cuisines and food in general, this country prides itself on a national cuisine that is recognized the world over as being one of the most sought after. Through such elements, Equatorial Guinea has managed to be brought together and foster unity because of its uniqueness. It also acts as a phenomenon that grants the country some identity, character as well as recognition.
The people believe that they get bodily nourishment and growth from whatever they consume in the form of food. The nature of the food has been described as tasty apart from being simple. They often associate themselves with the uniqueness of their cuisine and try to sell it out there to the rest of the world to receive identity which is associated with this kind of food.
This category of culture should not be underestimated because it gives a country a strong brand in the association of who they are and their real beliefs and tradition. I think that much effort should be emphasized in sensitizing the whole populace of a particular country or region when it comes to acquiring an identity through features like art, literature, language, and types of cuisine. The preparation, appearance and presentation of the cuisine also provide that uniqueness that is associated with a particular place. For instance foods in the Caribbean countries are colorful which presents the lively atmosphere of that location.
Work cited
Cusack, Igor. “Equatorial Guinea’s National Cuisine is Simple and Tasty: Cuisine and the Making of National Culture.” Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. 8 (2004): 131-48. Print.