Stealing is not an acceptable act in our society. In fact, many people are being punished by law because of this wrong deed. In an old tale that the father needs to commit such action in order to feed his hungry family is indeed unacceptable in the eyes of the law. No matter what the reason behind his action was, it still against the law and he could face an appropriate sanction because of stealing. Alternatively, he has a choice not to steal. However, chances are, his family would continue to starve if he had no other choice, but to steal and be cited as irresponsible father as he is not able to feed his family. Thus, be negligent to let his family starve.
The father’s dilemma is to choose between being a theft and a neglect father. He is in the middle of two fundamentally wrong options in which both have implications. On the other hand, the dilemma and implications of such crime to the family are to suffer from starvation or let their father steal for them, which they know wrong. It could be a difficult event for the family, but both of their options have corresponding outcome such as getting their father caught and punished or be starved.
Members of the society might feel the lack of personal security as an implication of this event. However, their dilemma might fall between letting such family starve or condemn their father for his wrongdoing, which they can do something about. The community, on the other hand, might have a dilemma of keeping such crimes happening or preventing it whether or not their families eat. The implication of having this situation in the community will not just affect the members of the society as it is also a reflection how the community leaders handle such complex situation.
Hungry Lancashire families shoplifting food to survive (From Lancashire Telegraph). (n.d.). Retrieved from