Presentation: Obesity is Caused by Genes or Caused by the Environment?
- There has been a long standing debate on what exactly is the main cause for obesity.
- Some have debated that it is caused by a person’s genetics, which can also answer how serious the person’s obesity is
- But many commented that this is not a reliable reason on why obesity exists as not all have unique genetic makeup that can cause obesity
- Some debated that obesity today is caused by the environment given all the factors that changes a person’s lifestyle
- Many align to this reason because they see the younger generation as a proof that the environment has something to do with obesity
Introduction statement: There are some theories and evidences presented by some experts that obesity is caused by the genes.
- Obesity may arise depending on the person’s genetic makeup.
- According to Odgen (2010), body size may run through families so there is a high probability that a child would be obese if his parents’ weight is to be considered.
- Studies have proven that if one of the parents is obese, there is 40% chance that the child would be obese. If they are both obese, the child would 80% be obese. Only 7% chances would constitute an obese child if both parents are thin.
- Ain and Rosenthal pointed that a person can become obese due to genes depending on their aboriginal and minority heritage as they may possess thrifty genes that would note if they could be obese if they have this gene.
- Half American descents are recorded to have diabetes and cardiovascular diseases because of their obesity. This is also true with European descents.
- Obesity arise because of genetic mutations
- It may have been caused by the mutation of the genes that causes these genes to contribute in obesity.
- So far, Japanese people are reported to have a unique genetic disorder known as single nucleotide polymorphism that causes most of them to become obese.
- Other instances point out that there may be genes present in the body that causes a person to have monogenic obesity that can vary on how it is contracted and how serious the obesity would be.
- Obesity is caused by an inborn disease
- Obesity can be caused by hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome and polyeystic ovary syndrome; hormonal disorders that can contribute to a person’s obesity
- Hormones such as thyroid and cortisol help the body to properly break down fat.
- Obesity is caused by chemical imbalances because of drugs
- Some drugs, such as those used to treat depression and psychiatric conditions, could induce obesity as it promotes weight gain.
- Some drugs that are said to help out obesity can induce chemical imbalances that may then affect the brain into understanding what these drugs can do. Although these drugs ruin’s ones appetite, once the patient eats, they would double in size.
Obesity is caused by the environment
Introduction Statement: The cause of obesity due to the environment is widely accepted because of the factors that play in the environment, influencing people’s eating habits
- People’s economic capacity and lifestyle
- Rich people are more prone to diseases and complications because of how much food available to them and they no longer have reasons to exert much physical effort as they can just order someone to do the job for them.
- Obesity is caused by the food available to them.
- Children are also inclined to eat high calorie foods and junk food because it is the type of food available for them in schools and in restaurants. Advertisements and peer pressure are also reasons on why children eat these types of processed food.
- People become obese because of emotional influences
- Comfort food is usually offered to visitors to enable them to relax. It is also eaten if the person is emotionally unstable or emotionally happy. But this can be taken out of hand because of the temptation this food develops, they may eat it excessively.
- Eating is a survival instinct and is always linked to emotions.
- People become obese because of available technology
- Technology makes everything easier thus the reduction of certain physical activity when doing chores and day-to-day activities. Many spend a lot of time in front of the television screen or the computer.
- Without any motivation, the person’s metabolism slows down and seizes to function and makes the body grow.
- Conclusion
- Both reasons regarding the causes of obesity are still accepted but there are still arguments that are still left unanswered regarding the nature of the cause. Both positions are well proven and can be supported by supporting cases and examples.
- obesity may be dependent on the person’s body and his choice on how he or she should treat their food and health.