Executive Summary
Product or service design involves numerous advantages when it comes to an organization. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the company that a design should be tailored as per the requirements of clients and, it becomes true when a stylish product or service design fails to gain the attention of clients. Hence, it would not be wrong to assert that the preliminary things observed by the customers are the products and services offered by a company as they have a significant influence on customers. The purpose of this report is to design or modify a product or service for The Apple Company. In order to achieve the purpose, this report uncovers the concepts of product or service after which design process is researched in order to establish its significance. Furthermore, aim and objectives related to a product or service are outlined in the context of process design. This report underpins the design concept through explicating different phases of product or service. Finally, assessment of the influence of performance goals on the design is employed to identify its involvement in terms of a product or service. The supporting statements are claimed in the conclusion to reveal the significance of product or service design for an organization in order to achieve remarkable success.
It was established in a research that products possess transferable worth. Moreover, a feature of a product involves creation and exchangeability of possession privileges. Another researcher explicated products like material objects which mean tangibility and physical measurements . The stated notions remained influential over ten decades when an official body outlined products as physical objects and they have the demand, over which possession privileges may be founded and whose possession may be shifted from an exclusive established division to another through involving dealings on the marketplaces . Whereas, the outline of services has never been concluded, therefore, it becomes difficult to gauge a comprehensive acknowledgement about the difference amid products and services. However, few perspectives associated to a service involve intangibility, inseparability, perishability, and heterogeneity are the elements claimed to be involved in a service ; .
Importance of process design in terms of a product or service
When it comes to outline the role of product and service design, it is deemed a significant element in the domain of operations management. It is because an effective product and service design may underpin the organization and vice versa. It is worthwhile to note that clients fundamentally reviews the company’s products and services so it would not be wrong to state that products and services reveal a significant influence on the organization . It has already been acknowledged by the experts that an effective design not solely appeals clients, nevertheless as well links the notion of the commodity or service to the marketplace. Design of a product and service according to a study is the fundamental goal of an effective design, whichever commodity or service, is to fulfill clients through addressing their real or expected anticipations and requirements.
The overall aim of the product or service design using process design is to meet the expectations and needs of customers. Product or service experts in order to meet the aim set different objectives, including aesthetic pleasure, needs fulfillment, client anticipation, infinite dependability, flexible production, uniqueness in a product, reduced expenditures, quality, swiftness, and trustworthiness.
Stages of product/service to illustrate your design concept
In order to comprehend the element of design linked with product or service, it is the responsibility of an expert to review design phases from notion to description as outlined in a research . If a design is to receive green signal, then it must pass different design phases. The following diagram depicts the orderly design phases:
Figure One: The Stages of Product or Service Design
The Generation of a Concept
It works like a brain of a human in terms of the design function. It is established in a research that concept generation is considered a phase when it comes to the commodity and service design process where a formalization of the fundamental notion behind a commodity or service is experienced. Multiple techniques are present which allow organization to create innovative notions; however the subject techniques differentiate from performing a Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT) assessment in gauging the tendencies of the marketplace and clients. According to a research, there are five methods which help in generating new concepts and they are given as under :
Valuable insights from clients
The discovery of microprocessor is attributable to a notion given by a customer. It is revealed in a research that Intel received a sales order of custom calculator chips from a Japanese national who was known with a name of Busicom and was a producer of calculator. Busicom was an individual who had the requirement of calculator microprocessor chip, started the establishment of microprocessors .
Importance to Customers
It is uncovered in a research that giving importance to customers in terms of listening to their issues is deemed an influential technique in the concept generation . It was further established in a research with an example that the slump Chicago Marriott Hotel remained active one and a half decade before its administration found requests for ironing panels by 66% of each visitor called to the cleaning.
Thoughts from rival engagement
The existence of iPhone of the Apple Company was confirmed in the month of June, 2007. It is an attractive touchscreen cellphone due to which the Apple Company experienced sales revenue of fifty million pieces globally. The Apple Company experienced enormous achievement after launching its iPhone and this significantly impacted on its rivals to consider manufacturing touchscreen cellphones in order to improve their sales revenue as its competitor, the Apple Company did. Nowadays, every renowned mobile phone company produces touchscreen mobile phones. Organizations which have dominance over the marketplace chase the actions of its rivals and occasionally, the subject activity includes reverse engineering. It means that taking to one side a commodity to comprehend the strategy adopted by the rival to manufacture the product .
Thoughts from officials
The marketing officials in any company cooperate with clients frequently, and they know the priorities of clients. It is established in a study that documenting for administration services periodical shows that official proposal schemes cannot be considered innovative, “a notion was investigated that gained significance in Japan in the year seventeen-twenty one with shogun proposing prizes for notions.
Thoughts from Research and Development (R & D) division
An effective research and development division has always been a desire of any organization. It is due to the potential of R&D division to exclusively organize the entire position of the organization. It was uncovered in a research that the operation of research and development division in an organization is to create innovative knowledge and notions along with operationalizing the notions to establish the fundamental facts on which commodity, process, and service design are centered.
The Screening of a Concept
It is explicated in research that concept screening is known as the technique of evaluating every alternative or notion against particular design.
Design Funnel Model
In this model, the design procedure is uncovered like a sharp decline of design alternatives from numerous options down to the ultimate design .
Preliminary Design
It is claimed in a research that a preliminary design involves a beginning exertion at detailing the constituent commodities and amenities in terms of the package and the procedures employed in developing the package . Moreover, another study claimed preliminary design as a technique of lessening the difficulty of a design in order to attain competitive benefit . However, according to an investigation, three general techniques for reducing the level of difficulty have been termed as calibration, unity, and modularization.
When it comes to determining the objective of design assessment and reform, it involves perfecting the commodity or service in a way that it arrives at the phase of development with no issue. The reason behind perfection beforehand is attributable to the expenditures associated with a product or service and it would become difficult to withdraw . There are three different elements as claimed in a research for the purpose of enhancing the preliminary design involves quality function deployment, value engineering, and Taguchi techniques . An assurance of ultimate design for addressing the provisions of clients is the role of quality function deployment; whereas, an expenditure reduction methodology that investigates objective and also the preliminary and secondary roles is known as the value engineering; and last is the Taguchi methods which is deemed a design method that examines the strength of a design.
Prototyping and ultimate design
The process of physically checking design in order to ensure that it performs as per the design standards is known as prototyping. It is important to note that the ultimate face of design is prototyping. A group of researchers claims 3 different types of prototyping, including clay and card models, and computer simulation .
An assessment of different product or service design studies exercise significantly on two different concepts as concept screening and concept generation ; . However, and exclusive element which is ignored in different studies is found to be post growth assessment. After a completion subsequent release of the product or service design, an organization acknowledges substantial responses from clients and this allows the company to reforming its forthcoming designs. It is claimed by the creators of Microsoft’s Xbox three-sixty that the company utilized the feedbacks of clients to reform forthcoming designs. Moreover, it was asserted by a senior official of a Microsoft, Jonathan Hays that in the organization utilized the responses of customers to enhance their forthcoming designs, designers were confident to involve multiple characteristics in the innovative design that were preferred by a lot of customers . It was detailed by a cluster of scholars that design funnel is found to be a significant method of the concept screening . Nevertheless, the application of the notion of design funnel is not present in the real-life scenarios, because organizations possess an unlimited amount of alternatives to initiate with, and occasionally the amount of alternatives which are acknowledged improves with the span of interval. It is worthwhile to note that reality designers frequently revert to the initiating destination because significant design answers demand innovative queries or turn out to be dead ends.
It is established in a research that different organizations of the world received achievements through effectively altering their product or service design . Moreover, it is as well claimed in a research that an effective product or service design enables an organization to experience promotion, whereas ineffective product and service design influenced negatively on the achievements of the organization . It is worthwhile to note that the stated claims have as well been advocated by a group of researchers as they showed that ineffective product or service design appears to be an exclusive highest asset, whichever organization may desire for . It is found after a review of different studies that an influential product or service design not solely promote the attractiveness of the organization, nevertheless grabs an extended share in the marketplace, and this idea according to a research is the “window of prospect” which is known as the interval where the innovative commodity experiences trivial or nil rivalry in the market. It is not expected by the organizations to overlook the leaders of the marketplace in the recent contemporary corporate setting and observe the achievements drawn by the leaders from the markets in terms of customer fulfillment through providing effective product or service design. Moreover, organizations are required to update or alter its product or service design after reviewing the failures of numerous organizations which overlooked product or service design like an insignificant purpose
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