I found this story on CNN website that focuses on prescription drug abuse and its consequences in Florida, US. The story relates the issue of prescription drug abuse on new mothers and their children in particular. Turnham and Lyon (n.p.) consider that the prescription drug abuse is fastest-growing national problem. News is objective because it offers vast information to be analyzed and ponderate. The story is not sensationalized because the authors articulate only significant facts and relevant information. The issue is considered from several perspectives because it is difficult to find an unambiguous solution.
I consider this story is newsworthy because it affects a very important part of human life - the propagation of the species. This article may force mothers-to-be from using prescription drugs not to do harm for their children. It also contains important information regarding going off the drugs if a drug addict woman found her pregnant (Turnham and Lyon para 11).
Also, I do not suspect any bias because the information is delivered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Besides, the evidence was supported by relevant health statistics. First of all, the interests of a particular social group – women and expectant mothers in particular – are served. To my mind, the interests of public are also served in this story because the authors try to prevent expectant mothers from using prescription drugs because of their harmful effect on babies. Reproduction issues make effect on the US society in general. It is important to raise this question because it concern the health of the US nation (Turnham and Lyon para 2).
Here you can find the link to the story to check it out: http://articles.cnn.com/2011-07-27/us/addicted.at.birth_1_fastest-growing-drug-problem-prescription-drugs-drug-abuse?_s=PM:US
Works Cited
Turnham, Steve and Lyon, Amber. Officials Fear for Infants Born to Prescription Drug Addicts. CNN U.S., 27 July 2011. Web. 23 February 2013.