For the product concept, a hybrid product concept should be considered. Jack has identified a number of ways that TabletTeach can engage with the academic market; however, what many schools need is an integrated system that allows them to address a number of problems and needs as they grow within the school itself. The example school discussed in the case study was relatively small at 5,000 students, but it still took the district five years to completely make the transition to digital learning (Miniati and Sawhney 5). Thus, the program that will be considered will be a program that integrates a number of different concepts, including group learning pedagogical structures, Common Core applications, and a tablet-based LMS. Because each of these features is time-intensive to develop, they can be developed separately and released in such a way that they share functionalities with each other once completed. This would provide TabletTeach the opportunity to enter the market in stages and establish brand loyalty. Ease of use and brand loyalty are two things that are quite important for success in the market.
Opportunity Hypothesis: As American education digitizes, companies need to recognize and fill the niche markets that will undoubtedly arise around the needs specific to primary and secondary education.
Customer Problem. In the case of TabletTeach, the customer in question was the American public school system as a whole. The school system of the United States is trying to modernize, to ensure that the United States can remain at the forefront of advancement in the world for many years to come. Children are expected to be highly technologically literate by university, so they must be taught to use digital tools in their younger years. Companies must provide the tools necessary for this education.
Proposed Solution Concept. The proposed solution includes releasing three separate program functionalities for tablets, including a Common-Core focused application, a peer learning application, and a digital LMS that has extensive user-friendly capabilities. This would allow the educator to integrate all kinds of programs under the same umbrella in the classroom.
Hypotheses. H(a). Educators will prefer the capabilities of applications that are combined and able to cross-communicate. H(b). Students will perform better if their tablets’ applications are all able to interact with each other.
Works Cited
Miniati, John and Mohanbir Sawhney. "Tabletteach: Opportunity Analysis For A New Educational Technology Product". N. p., 2016. Web. 8 Jan. 2016.