- Introduction
Learning theories in Psychology.
The introduction will contain a preface to learning theories in psychology and the importance it has in the world. It will also contain the key points of the research paper.
Key points:
- Introduction to learning theories in psychology over the years.
2. Skinner’s Behaviourism as a learning technique.
3. Operant Conditioning- the experiment.
4. How the experiment can be extended to human beings.
5. Behaviour modification therapy.
II- A. Learning theories in psychology.
- Classical conditioning by Ivan Pavlov.
This section will contain an introduction to classical conditioning, it’s advantages and disadvantages.
- Operant Conditioning by B. F. Skinner.
Skinner’s reasons for developing this new technique will be examined along with a brief outline of what operant conditioning is.
A. Behaviourism as a learning technique.
Skinner’s background in psychology and the status and recognition he enjoyed in his later days will be discussed.
Behaviourism as a theory that animals and humans can alter their behaviour patterns by a process called conditioning.
B. Operant Conditioning- the experiment.
1. Explain the mice experiment as conducted by Skinner.
2. Explanation of reinforcements and the change it brings about.
C. Extention of experiment to human beings.
1. Example of operant conditioning in a child experiment- interrupting a conversation and how that is punished leading to learning by the child.
2. Reward and punishment system.
D. Behaviour modification therapy- set of therapies / techniques based on operant conditioning.
1. Token Economy- Token economy is a system in which targeted behaviors (primary reinforcers).
2. Behaviour Shaping- Shaping is an experimental process used in operant conditioning by which successive approximations of a target behavior are reinforced.
E. Application in real-life situations.
1. Give two examples
III- Summary of all the discussed points.
IV- Conclusion: Importance of using this type of conditioning in situations like AA, and other psychological disorders.
V- Reference
Asia E University. Learning Theories- Behaviourism. Retrieved from http://peoplelearn.homestead.com/BEduc/Chapter_4.pdf
Cherry, Kendra. Introduction to Operant Conditioning. Retrieved from http://psychology.about.com/od/behavioralpsychology/a/introopcond.htm
Classical and Operant Conditioning: Users Guide. Uniview Worldwide. (2006). Retrieved from http://www.uniview.co.uk/pdf/0005%20Classical%20and%20Operant%20Conditioning%20User%20Guide.pdf
Classical vs. Operant Conditioning. Retrieved from http://www.csus.edu/indiv/b/brocks/Courses/EDS%20248/10%20Operant%20Conditioning/Operant%20Conditioning%20handout.pdf
McLeod, Saul. (2007). Skinner- Operant Conditioning. Retrieved from http://www.simplypsychology.org/operant-conditioning.html
Operant Conditioning: An Overview. Retrieved from http://dakota.fmpdata.net/PsychAI/PrintFiles/OperantCond.pdf