Exam Anxiety.sav- Interpretation:
The first table presented a matrix of correlations coefficients for Exam performance, Exam anxiety and Time spent revising. It was found that performance in exam was negatively linked to exam anxiety; the Pearson Correlation was r = −.441. P value was less than 0.05 so this relation is significant. It was also found that exam performance was significantly positively correlated to time spent revising; r = 0.3967 and p < 0.001. Lastly, exam anxiety appears to be significantly negatively linked to time spent revising (r = -0.709, p= 0.000).
The above Descriptive table presented the mean and standard deviation of all the four variables for instance; the mean of Record Sales was found to be 193.20 (in thousands). The above table provided useful review of the data.
Along with descriptive statistics, a correlation matrix was also generated. This matrix first presented Pearson’s correlation coefficient values for each variable pair. For instance, it was found that advertising budget was largely positively correlated with sales with r = .578. The table also provided significance (one-tailed) for these correlations. Lastly, number of cases for these correlations was presented (N).
The above table presented the value of R and R square for the model (the model had used Enter method of regression). Here R = .815 and represents the correlation between advertising budget and sales. Also the R square is .665; implying that advertising expense, attractiveness of band and number of plays on radio accounted for around 66.5% of the variation in sales revenue.
The next column of adjusted R square indicated the generalizability of the model which is .660. this denotes that