Leadership in the design and creative world is usually set to achieve certain objectives and outcomes in the end. It is achieved through innovations, creation of certain visions and putting into action the solutions. There is a need to know where one is going and to know ways that shall help one to get there. There has to be communication, high motivation levels, ambitions that have been set and a common vision clearly stipulated out for all the people in the various departments. Creative and design is a wide field; advertising writing, interior design, multimedia, leads, fashion design, graphic design, industrial design, general design, photography and web design (Northouse, 2010). These departments have to be led for them function properly and produce results.
There are different types of and they include; laissez Faire employers that do not provide direct supervision or any feedback to the people that he leads. This requires highly and very well trained employees that do not require any form of supervision however not all employees own all these characteristics. This therefore leads to a decline in production because these employees are not able to utilize their talent fully (Daft, 2008). They therefore are not motivated to work well and produce great results as they feel left out and not a part of the team this therefore leads to no control in the organization and lowered production and increased costs. . My role would be to maintain ensure the team members are always motivated and that they love their jobs.
The autocratic employers are those who make decisions without involving all the employees (Reilly, 2001). They have total authority and often impose rules on the employees. The decisions are final hence benefit the employees that require to be dictated on what they are supposed to do. This however, destroys the morale of creative employees that work in groups and hence they do not work to their potential. My role would be to ensure that the employees to not detest the directions they are given.
The participative employers value the input of the team members though the final decision is theirs. The employees morale is usually high as they feel like they are a part of the team hence they work hard they are highly motivated as even when changes are about to take place in the organization they are helped into accepting the changes well because they are involved in the process. Decisions that require a short period to be made by the employers are hard to make as they need to involve in the process. My role would be to speed up the decision making process in the team.
Transactional employers involve the employees and offer rewards or even punishments to the members of a team based on the results of the performance (Reilly, 2001). The goals are set together and agree on the direction they are to follow and with the leadership of the manager they achieve the goals. He reviews the results and train on changes. My role would be ensure all the employees are involved in the decision making process.
Transformational employers depend on good communication in the management members to achieve the goals. The employers are highly motivated and productivity is highly enhanced and high levels of efficiency through communication. Involvement of the management helps the team to attain these goals (Devantier, 2006). The employers focus is usually the big picture and leave the small tasks to team members to accomplish the goals. My role would be to ensure the employees are fully involved in the decision making process and appreciate their roles always.
Daft, R. L., & Lane, P. G. (2008). The leadership experience. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western.
Devantier, A. T., & Turkington, C. A. (2006). Extraordinary Jobs for Creative People. New
York: Infobase Pub.
Northouse, P. G. (2010). Leadership: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications
Reilly, P. A. (2001). Flexibility at work: Balancing the interests of employer and employee. Aldershotd [u.a.: Gower