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Assignment Question
Report Assessing the Feasibility of different Techniques for providing Fresh Water to Arid Regions
1.0 Introduction
The challenge of sustainable water supply and management in arid areas is magnified by the climatic condition of these regions. The areas often experience a period of six rainless months every year. The areas also experience low and unpredictable annual precipitation of around 100 to 500mm per year as well as extreme potential evaporation (Bunn et al. 2006, p.174). The impact of climate change primarily affects the amount of fresh water supply in arid regions. There is a substantial decrease in the amount of fresh water in the regions due to these climatic variations. The plan outlines two techniques of creating a diversified, and adaptive freshwater supply system in the arid regions worldwide.
2.0 Background
Water is an essential commodity that is needed for all forms of life activities. United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2003), access to safe freshwater is a universal human right that must be enjoyed by everyone regardless of the geographical area they stay. UNDP (2006) included access to safe drinking water and sanitation among the Millennium Development Goals (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005).
The region is said to be arid when it experiences a shortfall in water supply to the extent that hinders or prevents the growth and development of plant and animals. Although arid areas may have little deposits of fresh water, this amount dilapidates quickly due to human activities and increasing climate change (Misra & Kupitz 2004, p.5). Arid areas need a concerted effort of every individual to contain this situation.
This report offers two techniques that can be effectively used to ensure availability of fresh water in arid regions. These techniques include artificial ground water recharge and desalination technology. The two methods will be characterized by increased storage capacity to supplement the unreliable rainfall and lack of new fresh water supply in these areas during dry spells(Kingsford, Biggs & Pollard 2011p.1196). Finally, the techniques will improve the production and supply systems for desalinated fresh water.
The graph represents fresh water supply in arid areas. With the change in climate conditions, the water supply level falls from 6.3mm/household to 5.4mm. The supply decreases further as shown by series 3 to a bear 2.0mm. This drastic fall must be deterred using the techniques that would be proposed in this report.
3.0 Presentation of the two techniques
3.1Desalination technology
Desalination is the process through which pure water is recovered from saline water using various forms of technology. The two major commercial desalination technologies include thermal desalination and membrane processes. Osman (2005, p.209) asserts that the technology is critical to water management, and it works independently of climatic factors. Thus, the method can be used to supply fresh water consistently regardless of the weather in the arid regions.
However, the technology is comparably expensive to the artificial recharge system. The expenses increase due to the amount of fuel required and high carbon emission (Osman 2005, p.210). This plan however does not propose this method as the only way to supply fresh water to the arid areas; it must be supplemented by the recharge methods to make it more useful. The salt water from the surrounding environment can be converted into fresh water for domestic use in this region. The conversion, therefore, increases the amount of fresh water supplied in the arid areas.
The graph above represents the fresh water supply in the arid region. Category one indicates the level of water during dry spells just above 8mm.Category two shows the use of desalination technology to raise that amount of fresh water in the supply. Category three shows that desalination technology may not be sustainable due to its cost effect, which leads to a reduction of fresh water supply in the region. Category four indicates the artificial recharge system put in place to supplement the technology. The amount of fresh water supply drastically increases as a result.
3.2 Artificial Ground Water Recharges System
Groundwater recharge is the method through which water in an aquifer is replenished using water from the land surface. The rise in demand for fresh water in arid areas necessitates the increase in awareness of the artificial recharge as a supplement to ground water supply (Humphreys 2006, p.117). Through this process, excess water on the land surface is directed to the aquifer for replenishment purposes. The water moves through manmade system from the land surface to underground strata and is stored for future use. Artificial groundwater recharge system depends on various factors that need to be considered prior to its implementation. These factors include:
- Availability of waste water
- The quantity of water on the ground surface
- The quality of water available on the ground
- Clogging potential as well as resultant water quality
- Storage capacity
The project is feasible for several reasons. Artificial recharge system uses aquifers to store and distribute fresh water, remove contaminants by natural cleansing (Boulton & Brock 1999, 19). The cleansing is done after polluted rainwater on the land surface infiltrate the soil and permeates down through the existing geological formation. It is capable of storing water during low demand periods such as during floods for future use when the demand is high. The recharge system is also environmentally attractive especially in arid areas. Finally, the method increases the sustainable yield of the aquifer, as it is easy to operate.
Nonetheless, the method has its challenges. The authorities in the arid region may lack financial incentives to compensate landowners so as to use their land for the project (Misra & Kupitz 2004, p. 8). The recharge can degenerate the quality of the aquifer unless quality control measures are put in place. Finally, if the quantity of water on the ground surface is not enough, then the whole project will not be feasible to supply fresh water to arid areas.
4.0 Evaluation of how well the plan satisfies the requirements
Through the rollout of this plan, it will ensure that there is consistent, safe, and equitable access to fresh water in arid regions. Other outputs of the plan include:
- Enhance public participation in the formulation and implementation of the projects to help them feel they are part of the solution to this problem.
5.0 Conclusion
Freshwater is essential to human existence. It is imperative that this resource is managed appropriately to supply the arid areas with quality water. The climate conditions in arid areas affect the constant supply of fresh water to people living in these areas. However, the proposed method can be used to navigate this challenge. If implemented, people in arid areas will get a new and reliable source of fresh water for domestic use.
6.0 Recommendations
- The plan should be implemented to allow enough fresh water supplies to the arid areas.
- The method must conform to the existing standards to ensure that water fetched from these methods is safe and healthy.
- The community to be trained in both methods to enhance self-reliance.
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