This research methodology will center on showing the different methods that I intend to use on researching on my project. I also want to show the various steps that I will follow in order to achieve the desired goals of producing a successful research process. I will be citing the research design, perform a data collection, define my resources and perform a literature and sources overview overall job.
The various techniques and ideas that I will use to prepare the plan will be from various sources. The three types of research design that I will focus on are exploratory research, descriptive research and casual research. All these forms of research are essential in finding out the relevant information for the completion of my plans. Exploratory research will feature the most among the methods of research I will employ. This will be because this is a new field. I will be looking to find information in a relatively new field for me. I will have to do an intensive search for the information I am looking for. However, as the research move on, I will be able to zero in on what’s more important. I will be using descriptive research when I start zeroing in on the specific objectives as the research moves on. This will provide a more detailed result from the investigations I plan to carry out. Casual research will cover general areas. This will in turn provide me with the necessary information to cover my basics fully.
In order to achieve this, I will be using data collection as part of my research methodology. The methodology that will be used for this project will be a mixture. This means I will be able to perform both primary and secondary data. Concerning primary data, I will perform interviews. These will be either a face-to-face conversation or a telephone one. Interviews that will be carried out will be moderated by a questionnaire that will be developed relating to the study. On the secondary data part, I will be looking to gather information from the internet and books. While books are also available on the internet, I will be looking to ensure that these books maintain their standards by being validated before being used. Again, the websites that are going to be used as sources for information should also be valid. These should be from renowned authors or credible authors.
Concerning resources, I will be looking to fund my own costs. This will include transportation costs, phone call costs, printing and binding costs as well. However if the benefiting parties would offer to chip in and support this cause, I will more than gladly accept their support. Other miscellaneous costs are put into my budget to ensure that there are no hiccups somewhere along the research process.
This research will be carrying out from the EuSino office. The research will start at the table. This will be where I will be selecting the relevant information. I will be sifting to identify the good information from the bad. Relevant information will be selected at this point. It is after this selection of relevant information at the desk that I will be searching to find information from the field. In this case, my field will be the relevant companies and my school supervisor. The company will keep me informed with the nifty gritty of their inner daily dealings. My supervisor on the other hand will be guiding me through the research process to keep me on track ensuring that I made progress