Democracy is, indeed, killing America as a democracy does not necessarily provide liberty or any other sort of freedom. It only provides control for a group of people that are elite in contrast to the general population and rather than elections or other electoral platforms are held to fulfil government selections for the people, my opinion is that such platforms are held to select government goals instead and these goals, like any other, hold interests of the elite, not the general public. My opinion is that the liberty is needed for democracy, but democracy is never needed for liberty.
Democracy is meant to be a form of institution that is chosen by the people for the people by the will of the people and this is as simple as it can be to know what democracy is all about. This statement also says all there is to say about democracy as it concedes that democracy is merely anything the general public wants and needs to show in order to keep themselves satisfied with the fact that they have people leading their goals by their choice and such people who are leading these goals are also chosen by the general public. Seems like a win-win situation but surely, something that is too good to be true is probably not true in the first place. This is quite obvious to dictate as anyone can notice the mere fact that today’s governments are not behaving the way they are meant to.
For the democracy, elections are held and surely, these elections have to be fair in all account. But do we have fair elections? We never know the answer to this astounding question as ongoing election updates and results are only shown in news broadcasts with percentages and immediate numbers in thousands for the respective votes. How can someone, taking the United States of America as an example, within a minute or two, count the total number of votes and update these votes across all 52 states of the United States? Seems entirely absurd to me. We are humans, not machines and surely, we have electoral machines that will count the votes for us but before these machines were introduced, how could we count these votes at such quick rates?
Furthermore, since the votes are registered by the general public, shouldn’t these registrations be administered by general public as well? This question is one such question, out of numerous other questions that technically point towards undermining any election in any democratic country to be fair. Therefore, these questions are left as they are and may never be answered. Having said that, how does this prove that elections are fair or the people that we are electing, are the ones that get selected? This situational crisis also dictates that does the government, that is meant to be selected by the general public, actually gets selected by the general public?
Another piece of evidence that democracy does not provide liberty, is that we don’t really get to choose who we want to vote for, in the elections. The top government bodies select who the general public vote for. As far as I remember, the government was supposedly chosen by the general public and does not have the right to interfere in the matter of presidential candidate selection. Then why do the government decide who can be selected to run as a president and who can’t? Why is it that no man from the rural outskirts of the state stand up and run for the presidential elections? Why does a man have to be qualified to a certain level or have a lot of influence in the political world to be considered as a viable candidate? These questions are not questions, but synonyms for hideous answers that outshine the hypocrisy of today’s so-called democratic governments. These governments are nothing but facades of lies and misinterpretations. They also forget that they were chosen by the general public and once they lost this awareness, they started their own plethora of kingdoms that they run.
In the true essence, the government has become a Corporation instead of a generally voted authority and this corporation now runs the country in whatever way they realize it to be in their interests and in favour of their goals. It is outrageous to think that the government, the symbol of democracy, now runs its own interests rather than what it was meant to do; Run the interests of the general public and do what suits the general public.
Furthermore, there are now talks of people discussing how governments can get away with murder and commit notorious crimes now and then. Such propaganda first seemed to be true when the Watergate incident took place. It highlighted serious amounts of ill-fated fantasies that the president and his cabinet had reprimanded for themselves. While some will argue that justice was served to that president, I’ll point out the fact that he got away with the scandal and corruption and opened the door for more corruption to take over .
What is more astonishing is the fact that people keep on claiming that liberty is provided through democracy, and I keep arguing that this is not even close to being a case. Liberty is nowhere to be seen when it comes to a democratic republic. Where is liberty, I ask. People then proceed to say that freedom of speech, freedom of religious preaching are an example of liberty being provided by democracy. That is where I will begin stating more evidence as to how this is not the case at all. I said earlier on that liberty is essential for democracy and the creation of the United States of America as, the American Revolution, is a very well provided example. But to say that democracy provides liberty is like saying that a cow gives birth to a camel.
Democracy, as witnessed in today’s world, is evidenced to have committed all kinds of terrifying and atrocious crimes. Governments commit corruption, and the corruption we figure out is just the tip of the iceberg. Governments take tax money from the general public, who give it believing that the government will give them benefit from it, and either steal part of it or use it to commit crimes that the entire nation is blamed for. The use this same tax money and wage wars on other countries who have the liberty to live, but that is contrary to our government’s thinking.
Again, people will argue that the government takes votes before waging war on other countries. What I ask is, that how can we be so certain that the votes for waging war were in the interest of the general public and no in the government’s favour? The proof of this is the mere fact that whenever America has decided to wage war on a country, the voting has always been in the favour of a yes. We lose our own, we lose our money, and we lose our economy yet we always agree to wage war on another country every time the voting begins? This is simply absurd to think about, and it clarifies as historical evidence that such elections are rigged in the favour of the government.
Moreover, why should we even think about waging war on another country that is thousands of miles away from us? Isn’t that absurd? Democracies are made to control a country and its law and order situation. They are not meant to control entire nations that we have no connections with whatsoever .
That brings me to my final evidence that the democracy is killing America. Recent stories about a whistle-blower called Edward Snowden went viral quickly, and I am sure many may have heard of him. Edward Snowden revealed facts that dismantled the government’s secrecy to quite an extent. It was proven that NSA was monitoring the entire American population and hearing every word an American anywhere in the region would say.
More outrageous than the deed, is the fact that this was not told to the general public. Did Democracy actually allow the governments to work in secrecy from the general public or breach human protocols so as to make benefit for themselves and in their own interests rather than in the interests of the general public? Not at all.
However, Snowden revealed how this was being done for years, and this means democracy’s real conceptualization has changed overall. Democracy can now be defined as a perpetual cycle where the government stays the same serving its own interests and those of the elite, while the general public is left at the mercy of their fate and beliefs. Liberty has remained an illusion and will become a myth sooner than later if democracy keeps progressing the way it is supposed to progress .
The above evidence proves that bigotry will continue for those who are still living in a false consciousness and know nothing about what their government has been doing or plans to do. These people will listen to no evidence that is not in their favour, just like the government will not listen to any demands of the general public that is not in their favour, and such will be the reign of democracy until it ends. How democracy is destroying and subduing America is quite clear after one reads the evidences of this argument. He will understand that the government of today will consume itself for its personal interests and leave the general public to rot.
Works Cited
Brennan, Geoffrey and Loren E. Lomasky. Democracy and Decision: The Pure Theory of Electoral Preference. Cambridge University Press., 1997.
Ely, John Hart. Democracy and Distrust: A Theory of Judicial Review. Harvard University Press. , 1980.
Mann, Michael. The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing. Cambridge University Press., 2005.