The main objective of using the DISC behavioral Platinum profile is to have a personality test which influences our self-understanding. The DISC behavioral Platinum test intend to assist an individual in understanding the aspect that steer personal interactions with friends, work associates, family members as well as romantic partners. Carrying out a DISC behavioral Platinum is imperative to individuals as it help them to understand the four essential behavioral patterns: interactive, compliant, steady and dominant. Understanding the above four essential behavioral patterns will enable individuals to establish which of the four behavior patterns is dominant in their lives.
In our group discussion all the four essential behavioral patterns are represented. Individuals with the dominate style are driven by the need to achieve and the need to control. Their urge to achieve more motivates them to be aim higher. Individuals with interactive style are enthusiastic and friendly. During our discussion they are task oriented and they prefer to be acknowledged for their good work. On the other hand, individuals with the steadiness style are nurturing, warm and supportive individuals. They prefer to listen and offer support where needed; they are reliable. A few individual have the cautious behavioral style, this group of people enjoy solving problems since they are persistent, analytical and systemic with their work.
The DISC Platinum profile Assessment has strengths and weaknesses. It is advantageous because it give confidence to individuals with good interactive styles, “Interactive styles' primary strengths are their enthusiasm, persuasiveness, and delightful sociability" (Alessandra, 2008). The disadvantage of the DISC Platinum profile Assessment is that it can influence people to be disorganized, manipulative, attention seeking and over-committed which may affect the lives of other people in one way or the other.
Dr. Tony Alessandra., (2008), Introduction to the DISC Platinum Rule Behavioral Style Assessment, Custom Edition for the University of Phoenix