The sources of delays in Al Madina Logistics the back office processes that require a lot of paperwork. The processes consume a lot of time at the expense of the client to affect the productivity and efficiency of operations. Paperwork affects the success of the company’s business as the firm tries to reduce some of the potential errors that cause many delays. Back office operations threaten to undermine efforts at AML. At the finance department, the financial billing cycle utilizes paperwork that requires accurate update information. Finance officers work with keenness to eliminate errors and duplications. All the processes require an undertaking in back office for every order. All the departments experience similar paperwork and repeat cycles of printing and copying documents in review, delivery, and update. The cycle of documentation uses large space, time, and expense to produce errors that damage AML in the industry. Lack of proper infrastructure to manage back office documentation contributes to a series or repayment delays and added expenses that leads to low production and reduced client satisfactions.
The management and employees at Al Madina Logistics (AML) identify different causes of documentation delays. The intense procedures of verifying and approving clients’ requests incur repetitive manual tasks in the different sections such as finance departments and human resources. The reconciliation of stock transactions and time also cause documentation delays. The volume of transactional files in the back office requires scanning and conversion to different formats before delivery to the desired destinations. The manual systems in the firm require a lot of time due to few personnel that enter information in the records. Retrieving of file from the manual records in the cabinets wastes a lot of time. Employees spend too much time searching and inputting data in the system prior to approval in the clients billing information. Lack of pre-packaged integration of the business processes leads to back office ineffectiveness as the paperwork in back office consumes a lot of time. Employees are always late in meeting client’s satisfaction in time. Intense paperwork affects the success of the company since not all the departments have consistent data. The need for rework and potential errors in the manual system cause many delays.
The management and the employees at AML cite that there are better ways of reducing delays. First, the firm has to resolve back office issues to enhance customer visibility to meet the firm’s value creation and the costs. The provision of pre-packaged integration solution will allow flexible, easy, and effective back office operations. The firms billing cycle can utilize paperwork to have accurate information that will check all the details to eliminate potential errors and publications. The company can also formulate policies to control the errors as well as instituting well-established infrastructure to manage documentation delays and misplaced documents and files. Automation processes will enable the company to avoid incurring repetitive manual tasks in human resource and finance departments. A computerized process will ensure the company maximizes on the opportunities to create good relationships and efficient processes. Some of the proposals that the company is considering include optimization, data management, and business modeling. The management is considering hiring experienced staff to influence and affect operation. The measure will restore customer’s confidence as well as enhance decision-making ability.
The repetitive process to make simple procedures of approval takes weeks rather than few days. The management at AML reckons that paperwork procedure is causing the delay, and they are locating some creative ways to gain efficiency of the company. Unnecessary administrative procedures and process duplications lead to delays due to time increase before approving a procedure.
Works Cited
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