1-NFPA-National Fire Protection Association
2- Its role in fire safety is to publish consensus codes and standards for building, processing, design, service and installation not only in the US but worldwide.
3-Internet web address: www.nfpa.org.
1- USFA- U.S. Fire Administration
2- The main purpose of the USFA is “to provide national leadership to foster a solid foundation for our fire and emergency services stakeholders in prevention, preparedness, and response”.
3-Internet web address: http://www.usfa.fema.gov/.
1- NIOSH- National Institute of Occupational Health
2- Aim is “to generate new knowledge in the field of occupational safety and health and to transfer that knowledge into practice for the betterment of workers”. This includes information on fire safety.
3- Internet web address: http://www.cdc.gov/NIOSH/
1-ASTM- American Society for Testing and Materials
2- Role is to develop international standards that will “improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence”.
3-Internet web address: http://www.astm.org/
1- UL-Underwriters Laboratory
2- Contributes in fire protection by developing product standards and outlines and by evaluating and auditing thousands of products and making sure that they are safe.
3- Internet web address: http://www.ul.com/.
1- OSHA-Occupational Safety and Health Administration
2- Role in fire protection is to provide standards, directives and national consensus standards which are related to fire safety.
3-Internet web address: www.osha.gov.
1-FM- Factory Mutual
2-Role in fire safety is that they provide certifications for products and services to prevent property losses from fire
3-Internet web address: https://www.fmglobal.com/
1- ANSI-American National Standards Institute
2-Role is to “provide dimensions, ratings, terminology and symbols, test methods, and performance and safety requirements for personnel, products, systems and services in hundreds of industries” to ensure that they are safe from dangers such as collapse, explosions and fires.
3-Internet web address: http://www.ansi.org
1- ISO-Insurance Services Office
2- Role in fire safety is that it provides a fire protection rating on areas based on “the number and location of hydrants, number and location of fire stations and access to water sources in rural areas beyond the metropolitan water system”.
3-Internet web address: www.iso.com
Works Cited
American National Standards Institute. "Frequently asked questions." n.d. ansi.org. Web. 11 March 2013
—. "Underwriters Laboratories." 2013. standardsportal.org. Web. 11 March 2013
ASTM International. "ASTM overview." 2013. astm.org. Web. 11 March 2013
Baltimore County, MD. "Insurance Services Office fire protection rating." 2013. baltimorecountymd.gov. Web. 11 March 2013
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)." 12 June 2011. cdc.gov. Web. 11 March 2013
IHS. "National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)." 2013. ihs.com. Web. 11 March 2013
Occupational Safety & Health Administration. "Fire safety." n.d. osha.gov. Web. 11 March 2013
Techstreet. "National Fire Protection Association." 2013. techstreet.com. Web. 11 March 2013
U.S. Fire Administration. "About the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA)." 15 February 2013. usfa.fema.gov. Web. 11 March 2013