Nurses are the caregiver sin the organization of the institution in the country. They look at a patient and decide which type of medical care is important when it comes to helping people in in Canada. A nurse is meant to provide healthy living through the following areas. Healhty living entails the following practices. A persons health is very important. Healthy people are known to build a nation but sick people bring a nation down. A persons health consists of many things that need to be taken into consideration. For a person to be healthy, they must;
- Eat a balanced diet.
- Do exercise regularly.
- Never Expose himself to any unhealthy environment.
These things are essential and every human being must always be willing to work at it. There are many things that people consider to be the enemy of good health. People have often come up with very many reasons that bring about bad health in individual. These things are known to vary across board but it normally to the individual to ensure that good health is always there.
There are many organizations the advocate for good health and they have come up with many goals and objectives to enhance good health among individuals. A good examples is the 2020 goals that were set to ensure we have a health nation across board. They analyze the critical areas that need to be addressed and provide logical solutions of solving these problems. They have set goals that each government can adhere to ensure this dream becomes a reality. The goals are;
- Attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death
- Achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health ;
- Create social and physical environments that promote good health
- Promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviours.
The health of an individual is dependent on himself unless when it comes to children where the parent comes into play because they control the child’s intake of foods. In my critical opinion healthy living is a lifestyle that people should adopt whether rich or poor. This is known to be the greatest excuse that people give as they explain the reason for not living healthy. People should stem out of this excuse and face the reality. They are the people who bring bad health to themselves through their habits and lifestyles.
The basic thing that people should to ensure good health care;
- Eat health food and this includes avoiding fast foods, junk foods and genetically modified foods .
- They should always eat a balance diet in each meal they consume.
- They should ensure they exercise daily even walking is known to the best and simple exercise that people can do without the need for any money.
- They should not pollute the environment that surrounds them.
These four basic things are what are essential for a healthy and wealthy nation. The health of an individual is dependent on themselves and they should not blame anyone. The reader should take this paper and critically understand themselves to be able to provide a good analysis of what they can do to change the situation in their lives.
The government role taking care of the society through various programs that have been implemented in the social welfare programme through the social structures.Social structures are the patterns that have been created by people to create a sense of order in society. These structures that have been put in place matter with different people dictating which system will work with them. These social patterns have been created by human beings to control the ease of interaction .
The benefits social welfare an d nursing that have been implemented government is improved standards of living , education and healthcare. The benefit to the state is so many, and it will gain more if they fund education. The growth of a country is dependent on the society growth. The state can be able to fund the educational cost of the country in various ways.
The government should be the funding nursing education in a country especially the higher education. The resources at the disposal of the country are more; hence they are in a position to finance it easily. This should be taken as a responsibility of the government because education of children is a right. This is also among the targets of the millennium development goals ,which United Nations ratified. It is a global aspect that should be taken up by governments to ensure the millennium development targets are reached. The state should look at this as an avenue in which investing in a long term investment that will pay off.
The link between financial incentive and performance is evident. This portrays the inter-relationship that is evident and must be addressed in relation to the character of the employee. Different employees have different motivational factors that should be looked further. The aspect of relationship is also very important it is the organization prerogative to ensure communication channels are working well. This is aimed a good relationship between both parties at any one time. These parties become the success of the organization and the organization succeeds. The organization should use the motivational theories and organizational management theories by Mc Gregory and democratic leadership to ensure success and growth of the organization. Mc Gregor came up with two theories of motivating employees. Theory x depicts the character of an employee who is motivated by non-monetary incentives. Theory y depicts the character of a person who is motivated by monetary incentives. A company can be faced by a strategic challenge as it grows from one stage of development to another. The company has to find opportunities in the market that it would like to capitalize on that have not been noticed by others with the industrial revolution of computers going on. The company would have to take risks and come up with strategies that would enable it to attain its goal. The company is faced by two challenges: one of the challenges being whether the opportunities targeted by the compay are only visible to them. This may be either positive or negative. The other challenge would be whether the company has the organizational competence needed to attain each identified opportunity.
The society today believes in nursing being the invention sent from heaven to make life easy for man. The implementation of it in the industries has made production change and this has the management change its strategy with the aim of ensuring it saves costs and does not become obsolete like all the other industries. In a critical analysis of the forces driving change in the nursing industry and understanding it can be able to make adopt to this new strategy of computers running the industries.
A health company can be faced by a strategic challenge of providing good nurses as it grows from one stage of development to another. The company has to find opportunities in the market that it would like to capitalize on that have not been noticed by others. The company would have to take risks and come up with strategies that would enable it to attain its goal. The company is faced by two challenges: one of the challenges being whether the opportunities targeted by the company are only visible to them. This may be either positive or negative. The other challenge would be whether the company has the organizational competence needed to attain each identified opportunity. Companies should change their views when it comes to strategic implementation. For example, companies should be thinking of implementing strategies continuously as opposed to intermittently. This would ensure the company’s survival and enhance its coping mechanism in a competitive market.
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General.A.O. (2009) Federal education funding: allocation to state and local agencies for 10 programs : report to congressional requesters, Volume 1. San Francisco: The Office Publishers.
Leyden P.D. (2005). Adequacy, Accountability, and the Future of Public Education Funding. London: Illustrated publishers.
Loyd, P.D. (2002). Adequacy and Accountability Educational Funding. London: Illustrated publishers.
Michael D.P . (2005). State funding policies and implementation. London: JHU Press.
George .S.A . (2011). Federal Education Funding: Overview of K-12 and Early Childhood